When he was humiliated by the major antagonist of course. :troll
1. Frieza beating the shit out of him?
2. Cell beating the shit out of him?
3. Pure Boo beating the Shit out of him?
4. Hit beating the shit out of him?
5. Goku Black beating the shit of him?
6. Jiren beating the shit out of...
This is one of the thread that is still debatable but has not been beat to death. Anyway who is stronger? Both can be stronger than each other according to their feats and statements.
We saw Gotenks humiliating Buu and was so close to finishing him up but his SS3 run out. So whether Boo was...
Depends of what kind of boost did Goku received from his SSjin4 transformation against Baby but one thing we know that he's strong enough to survive against Baby's version of Spirit Bomb that was made by the earth people with no damage. If Super Boo loses then what about Boo's other form.
What if Goku somehow managed to transform into a SSjinG during GT period. I'm talking about SSjinG that is a stacked form from the manga. Since SSjinB is at least 10X stronger or even more than a regular SSjin (correct me if I'm wrong). So would Goku end up stronger than his SSjin4 power?
He always tried to avoid Super Boo as much as possible. What happened to his "I love to fight strong opponent" thing? He always wants to fight all the opponents that are stronger than him except Boo.
Well, we all know the that the Cell that fought the Z fighters actually came from the future where the Androids are weaker than their present counterpart. What about Cell the one which Krillin destroyed? How strong would he be after he absorbs the present androids?
There's a thread like this on DBS section but not let's talk about the original canon stuffs that you find amusing because of its logic I guess. :troll
On the top my head is when Goku visited his friends BoZ and they thought that Gohan was just some kid that Goku kidnapped or babysitting. Like...
What are some ridiculous revelation during this series? Mine is that whenever you fight in your lower forms, you can recover your stamina back to maximum. :troll
They aren't that engaging enough to make me tune in. To me the last good fight was Gohan Vs Vegeta IMO. Did Toei changed their staff during that period? Because most of DBZ movie fights from Boo arc era was great. Ex: Gohan Vs Broly, Goku Vs Janemba, Z fighters Vs Hirudegarn etc, hell even Bio...
While re-watching some clips of Super on YouTube, I came across that the God ki are quite different.
Kaioshin ki: From Z, Goku and others have a trouble on sending them but during Champa arc, Goku said that he can't sense Kibito Kai ki (because he defuse back) implying that he can sense a...
Chapter: 439 (DBZ 245), P12.3-4
Context: after Piccolo and Kaioshin's match
Goku: “That much, Piccolo?...”
Piccolo: “Yeah…Our dimensions…are too different…”
Kuririn: “Yo-you’re kidding, right? Stop joking around! I-I’ve got to fight him next”
Note: Piccolo’s line is a pretty standard way of...
Inspired from aahil's thread.
When Goku was training in his mind at the beginning of Super manga, we saw Goku was fighting Freeza, Cell and Pure Boo at his SSjin form. So does it mean that his SSjin form is equal to Pure Boo along with his SSjin3 form from Boo arc?
There are lots of characters from that arc are SSjinB tiers but who is the strongest and rank them as well.
SSjinB Goku/Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, Golden Freeza, Toppo, Android 17, Hit Base Kefla.
Did he get stronger or weaker?
Episode: 91
Time: 09:44-09:50
Context: After Frost attack Hit and failed
Hit: "You've gotten better. Being on the run for so long has strengthened your spirit."
Does that mean he got stronger? But First claimed otherwise
Episode: 107
Time: 15:54-16:40