Building gaming PCs and being able to name the Presidents are more skills than Kenshi has acquired in his 30 years of parasitic existence.
Literally anyone with the ability to google can learn that shit. You can't even defend yourself when called out on speaking no language other than your mother tongue without making the excuse that it's the world language when plenty of people in Australia itself would get jobs far better than your own by learning French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and so on, and I speak Japanese better than you can build any PC, and that is my third language
But what's interesting is as soon as we talk about him and things he boasts about (being Mensa IQ and gymrat) he diverts and attacks others on pretty arbitrary attributes. I don't have a car?
Because you've already seen the screencap and if you took 1/10th of the morbid interest you have in taking screencaps of pretty irrelevant details (only purpose you joined the Zeta server again for last week) as you do in learning that information, you'd find it in a heartbeat. Only, you don't have interest in learning my IQ, and if you did you'd probably say the test was rigged or that it doesn't count lol. You think I don't know your schtick after interacting with you for the better part of a decade?
Congratulations. You've had your longest round of employment... At age 30... In your dad's company... And you don't even do the work right...
I mean don't you see yourself as an embarrassment?
Being able to input a basic command in a programming language like "print forever life instant" is more than you've achieved in your life.
You don't have room to consider anyone an embarrassment and you know it. You don't even have a high school diploma under your belt, you've achieved less than people who went to jail at 21 and came out a year shy of your current age because you're an unmotivated, depressive wreck whose only purpose in life is to eat your troubles away and work the most menial job to barely stay afloat enough to waste your time away with games when you could learn to get into investing and cut body fat and acquire some testosterone so you can stay off the couch other than to wash dishes. This is like when Yoshit tried to claim I was a manipulative but not intelligent person despite CoH and myself scoring over 138 in some online IQ test and him being unable to try it without being scared of getting 75 or some shit and needing step by step instructions for 3 hours just to try and fail at deleting Skype messages, and yet having the laughable audacity to call himself smart.
You can make a discord server if you want to waste your time and mine on this worthless falderal, this thread is for legit questions. If you're a moderator stop breaking the anti-flaming rule already.