I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but Tien = Goku Weighted, which is stated to be significantly above Goku vs PD in power, but not speed for Goku.
Also, I'm surprised no one has brought up the 5 year gap or the "Raditz scouter numbers". I think mine are much more accurate. At the 23rd Budokai, Piccolo and Goku are ridiculously above the humans it's not even funny. They are nowhere close to Popo, let alone Kami. Kami can fingerflick them, my numbers show the reality of the situation.
Piccolo ~ Goku >> Kami >> Popo >> Humans
I absolutely think Future Piccolo is a beast, how could he not be. We see the ridiculous gains he received for the Android training. I Future Piccolo at 28% of Present Piccolo. I don't know what more you want than that. I have Piccolo = Freeza and Ssj Vegeta = Mecha Freeza. Very fair overall.