Evil Vegeta said:Looks the opposite to me. His aura regained the bolts after he ate the senzu.
Either way, it's just an inconsistency in the art.
The young Namekians were warrior types since they were tasked to protect the villages. The regular Namekians are Dragon Clan. Kami and Dende were Dragon Clan prodigies.
Evil Vegeta said:Looks the opposite to me. His aura regained the bolts after he ate the senzu.
Either way, it's just an inconsistency in the art.
The young Namekians were warrior types since they were tasked to protect the villages. The regular Namekians are Dragon Clan. Kami and Dende were Dragon Clan prodigies.
Evil Vegeta said:Looks the opposite to me. His aura regained the bolts after he ate the senzu.
ahill1 said:Do you think Piccolo Daimao (the original one) was from the Dragon-clan, or simply a warrior like Piccolo Junior?
Idea of Gaslight said:It's worth noting that Vegeta's aura when he recovers from the Senzu is a lot like Gohan's aura when he first went SSJ2:
GreatSaiyaman123 said:Kenshi Vegeta's aura doesn't look like Gohan's at all. Vegeta's doesn't have the black outline.
But like CC said, Gohan was still likely in the process of becoming a SSJ2 there, considering Gohan's hair doesn't even look like his SSJ2 there. In the next panel, Gohan was already sharing all the traits of the SSJ2 transformation:Idea of Gaslight said:GreatSaiyaman123 said:Kenshi Vegeta's aura doesn't look like Gohan's at all. Vegeta's doesn't have the black outline.
Because it's a small panel with less detail, plus the Boo arc's auras often look less detailed than Cell arc auras:
The boo arc aura looks almost similar to Gohan's SSJ1 aura in the CG
Just AT getting lazy with detail really.
Evil Vegeta said:I think Daimao was probably a warrior type since Piccolo is the reincarnation of him, though Kami did say he was originally a "brilliant martial artist" before splitting. It's possible that Daimao was a Dragon Clan type that retained the fighting ability the child of Katatz possessed before releasing the evil. He was a prodigy that was also naturally powerful, so you can go either way with Daimao.
Part 1, or in general?Pocket-God said:Who are the top 10 strongest characters in Dragon Ball?