Super Neko Majin Z said:
I'm gonna use the fact that people compared SSJ Future Trunks to SSJ Namek Goku to call them equal. Yardrat Goku blocked his sword strikes with one finger.
Not a good feat considering Trunks didn't attack Goku seriously (unlike when he fought against Mecha), stated by both Goku and Trunks himself. Goku and Trunks had about the same power level.
Super Neko Majin Z said:
Tenshinhan had seen Yardrat Goku and he didn't realize anything was wrong when Goku was sick, so Sick Goku is at least as strong as Yardrat Goku. Piccolo said his power should be much greater than that at full power and Vegeta was stronger.
In fact Piccolo says "the power of a SSJ should be much greater than that", not "the power of Goku". Ten Shin never saw Goku fighting at his maximum strength, and even if he did, ki sensing isn't as precise as a scoutter, so even an ill Goku may have had an "overwelming" power even if it wasn't as big as it should be.
If you want more examples, when Krilin and Gohan first see Freezer he is travelling with both Zarbon and Dodoria, but they only recognised Freezer as being stronger than earth Vegeta (when we know that Zarbon and Dodoria were both much stronger than earth Vegeta).
Super Neko Majin Z said:
Imperfect Cell was described as being "a huge ki" by Vegeta, which implies he's at least in Vegeta's league.
A bit below Vegeta in my opinion, but still in his league. I agree.
Super Neko Majin Z said:
Piccolo beat him with weights on. As we've seen in the 23rd Budokai, taking off weighted clothing can turn a fight from an equal contest into a curbstomp. Unweighted Piccolo would be strong enough to curbstomp Imperfect Cell, Vegeta or 18.
I don't know to witch extent the extra weight affects once you get so strong, but I agree in that he was considerably stronger than those fighters. I don't know if he would've been able to totally curbstomp #18 though, even if he could curbstomp her initially.
Super Neko Majin Z said:
Once he absorbed millions of people Cell tanked Piccolo's strongest attack with absolutely no damage.
Not millions but hundreds of thousands. And he tanked Piccolo's strongest attack after connecting some good hits, which without any kind of doubt had a big impact on Piccolo's energy (which already wasn't at his 100% when Cell arrived).
Super Neko Majin Z said:
This makes the chain 25% Frieza = SSJ Future Trunks < Yardrat Goku =< Sick Androids Goku < Androids Goku < Androids Vegeta =< Imperfect Cell (1st Fight) < Weighted Piccolo < Piccolo < Imperfect Cell (2nd Fight) =< 16 < Semi-Perfect Cell (Holding Back) < Semi-Perfect Cell.
My chain:
25% Frieza > (not by much) SSJ Future Trunks = SSJ Namek Goku = Yadrat Goku >> Sick Androids Goku <<< Androids Goku = Ginger City Imperfect Cell <= Androids Vegeta << kami-Piccolo (we don't know how much the weights affected Piccolo) << Imperfect Cell (2nd Fight) = 16 << Semi-Perfect Cell (Holding Back) < Semi-Perfect Cell.
In other words:
25% Frieza 3.100.000 > 2.900.000 SSJ Future Trunks = SSJ Namek Goku = Yadrat Goku >> 1.200.000 Sick Androids Goku <<< 3.050.000 Androids Goku = Ginger City Imperfect Cell < 3.100.000 Androids Vegeta << 3.400.000 kami-Piccolo << 3.800.000 Imperfect Cell (2nd Fight) = #16 << 4.700.000 Semi-Perfect Cell (Holding Back) < 5.000.000 Semi-Perfect Cell
As I've said, 40% Freezer would be a better match in my opinion.
HUEBR_Tapion said:
Cell Saga FPSSjin Goku is even below his Namek saga self. Lol, the FPSSjin training actually DECREASED his power. Poor Goku didn't even notice it.
No, in fact that's you not understanding my point or trolling what I say. FFPSSJin Goku, at more than 10.000.000 units, more than triple Namek Goku's SSJ power.
ahill1 said:
So FPSSJ Goku (vs Cell) is weaker than Freeza now, huh?
It has always been unless you spin some facts, ignore the ones you don't like and call it a day.