He wasn't worried about the attack potentially being stopped.
Not worried. Just wondering who blew it up.
So, when Kaioshin is fine and healthy, he knocks Boo back a few inches, when he's near unconscious, he easily destroys a super-powerful attack from him.
Fat Boo is a lot harder to affect than his attack.
How exactly does that make sense unless it's simply really easy to destroy attacks with kiais? There's even evidence for that particular thing. The only comparable situation is Tenshinhan destroying Boo's blast, and they're ridiculously far apart. Without any apples-to-apples comparisons, that's what we're stuck with. Using the attack to say anything else is just pure conjecture.
But as shown, the attack doesn't need to have that much power behind it. Only enough to blow Dende up. That's vastly different from what Kaioshin did to save Gohan.
Also, we've seen what Boo can do to Kaioshin with this attack. It knocks him down and he never gets up from it. So it's not like we have no idea of what the attack can do. Now if you think Pui-Pui is that superior to Kaioshin, then yeah, the attack won't do nothing. If you think Kaioshin is superior to Pui-Pui, the attack would easily wreck him.
When one fighter is 1000 times weaker (or whatever) than the other in one situation, and allegedly about 3-4 times weaker in the other situation, why not? That should be fairly equitable IMO. The attack had about as much effect as Boo as one single Kikoho had on Cell. That's absolutely pathetic.
If we're going to write that off as pathetic, then that's fine. At least we agree that Gohan and Dabra's efforts were just as pathetic as Kaioshin's. So this leaves us nowhere in our assessment of Kaioshin. Being unable to stop Boo in itself isn't pathetic.
The only reason Kaioshin got any hits on Boo was because Boo was toying with him. He sure didn't toy with Gohan though.
Boo knocked Gohan down and quickly turned his sights to Kaioshin. After being smacked by his attack, he smashes his face together and knocks him down. Boo then goes down to continue and knocks Kaioshin down with his own technique. Before Kaioshin can even recover, Boo quickly butt-slams the fuck outta Kaioshin. If anything, that looks worse than what he did to Gohan--who was down in a single attack. and ignored right after
Kaioshin landed his attacks because Boo was opened. Useless, but it happened.
Kaioshin is so much of a weakling that Gohan grabs him and drags him along instead of letting him fly on his own; he's nothing more than a liability to Gohan.
I'm not disagreeing. Still, this doesn't tell us anything other than what we already know.
don't know. Can you provide any examples of attacks being destroyed that would indicate a certain power is necessary to do that?
Can't really think of one that precisely answers the question. However, we're often told when someone is too weak to stop something.
Tien stops Gotenks Boo's blast, then bitches out when Boo is about to unleash his other attack. Tien admits that their "dimensions are too different" and that he's useless like this is a surprise or something. It tells us that Tien didn't think much of Gotenks Boo's blast used against Dende. If he did, seems kinda odd that he'd admit he's useless when a more powerful attack is being produced. I dunno. None of this stuff makes much sense when I think about it.
The Kiai eyes seemed basically like needles that popped Boo's attack (like a balloon); given how easy it was, it likely wasn't particularly stable anyway.
Kaioshin certainly didn't make it look easy. Looked to me like he put everything into that attack just to blow it up.
Sure. What does that have to do with anything? Gurd only used his paralysis arts once too. That's still his only impressive move.
Gurd's Time Stop was actually impressive as well, but it had a limit.
Kiai eyes are absolutely pathetic against a real opponent.
Boo's use of said technique on Kaioshin disagrees with that notion. It can do serious damage against a real opponent.
Your thought process seems to just be "he blew up the attack, so that must make him strong", but our only comparable situation is one where a vastly weaker fighter pops the strong fighter's attack in much the same way.
Then we're back to square.1 on Kaioshin. The guys power simply cannot be assessed in the story.
There's nothing concrete about Kaioshin outside of what Piccolo says. Once that's deemed as an incorrect statement by most, we're debating on a complete unknown. The only thing we factually know is Kaioshin>Freeza.
Now if we look at the history of Paralysis Arts, it has a limit when there's too much of a difference in power. Chaozu couldn't stop Nappa, but Gurd could stop Gohan and Krillin.
Kaioshin says it was hard stopping Gohan, so we know it takes effort. Would this imply there isn't a substantial difference between Kaioshin and Gohan?