Lightsworn said:
It's more logical to assume they held back than to assume they went all out. You also think he went all out against Hercule? After sensing how weak Base Vegeta was compared to Ssj3 Goku or even his Vegeta's previous Ssj2 power that he just used that he would still attack at full power? Super Boo can sense how weak base Trunks is but still decided to attack at full power? I'd rather believe these guys held back than to assume "inconsistency'
Not, it's more logical to assume that feats are not so consistent:
Semi Cell one shot #16;
Future Trunks ( 3 years after Cell Games ) did not one shot Imperfect Cell ( Pre Humans abosrptions );
By this logic Semi Cell is stronger than Future Trunks SSJ ( 3 years aftter Cell Games ), what is not true.
Feats are not always reliable.