Recent Chapter Discussion

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Indeed, most of the Hakaishins doesn't seems to be intimidating to me like Beerus. Also Champa is along with others getting destroyed by Beerus!


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
The manga showed Beerus and Champa fight as equals in a flashback early on.

Now Beerus can take on FIVE fucking gods of destruction (including Champa) on at the same time?

Complete bullshit. If you complain about the anime contradicting itself but have no problems with this than you are a complete hypocrite.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
xenos5 said:
The manga showed Beerus and Champa fight as equals in a flashback early on.

Now Beerus can take on FIVE fucking gods of destruction (including Champa) on at the same time?
That was in the past. For all we know, Beerus may have continued training after their battle, whereas Champa didn't.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I mean, we have absolutely no context for this battle royal, so...


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
]That was in the past. For all we know, Beerus may have continued training after their battle, whereas Champa didn't.

No. That excuse doesn't cut it. Vados and Whis's jobs are pretty much to train their respective gods of destruction. Vados would not be doing her job if she suddenly stopped training Champa. The anime got this right. The manga is failing horribly here.

Also. Do you expect me to believe ALL of the other gods of destruction DON'T TRAIN while only Beerus who's been portrayed over and over as a lazy fucker is the ONLY ONE who does? Nope. If there were any GoDs who were as powerful as Champa and Beerus or stronger than them during the time period their flashback fight took place and they kept training afterwards they would STILL be just as strong or stronger than Beerus.

Toyble is a hack who's showing his blatant favoritism once again.

He already degraded the manga gods of destruction by having Goku magically pull Hakai out of his ass. Now he's just further dug himself into a hole by making the other GoDs look like fodder to Beerus which makes 0 sense. He's dehyped them and now the title "god of destruction" feels practically meaningless in the manga.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
We have no clue what the context of the scene is. Also Beerus said CSSB could be a GoD in another universe, clearly some universes have weaker GoDs.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Manga Bills wasn't even trying in his flash-back fight against Champa. You could see he was smiling all through-out, so no inconsistency there.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
Manga Bills wasn't even trying in his flash-back fight against Champa. You could see he was smiling all through-out, so no inconsistency there.

No. I'm not buying that. He clearly was trying. Whis and Vados had to stop them because the full power energy balls they were about to throw at each other would've destroyed the universe as collateral damage. Those energy balls were clearly equal.

I'm not trying to be an anime elitist. I acknowledge the anime has faults. The manga has different issues of its own though. And if people are going to rag on the anime every time something they don't like happens but ignore mistakes in the manga than that just shows a ridiculous double standard.

Don't be an apologist.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Manga Bills wasn't even trying in his flash-back fight against Champa. You could see he was smiling all through-out, so no inconsistency there.

No. I'm not buying that. He clearly was trying. Whis and Vados had to stop them because the full power energy balls they were about to throw at each other would've destroyed the universe as collateral damage. Those energy balls were clearly equal.

I'm not trying to be an anime elitist. I acknowledge the anime has faults. The manga has different issues of its own though. And if people are going to rag on the anime every time something they don't like happens but ignore mistakes in the manga than that just shows a ridiculous double standard.

Don't be an apologist.
I'm not an apologist. I call it like I see it. No-one ever said Bills was going full-power against Champa, and he didn't look like he was trying either. All that means is even Bills not trying and fighting against Champa can destroy the universe which should be obvious.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
I'm not an apologist. I call it like I see it. No-one ever said Bills was going full-power against Champa, and he didn't look like he was trying either. All that means is even Bills not trying and fighting against Champa can destroy the universe which should be obvious.

The context behind why Beerus was smiling was because he had eaten the puff puff fruit on the cake that Champa wanted to eat.

They were treated as equals throughout that fight especially with their final attacks (that looked exactly the same rather than one looking bigger or denser than the other) that were going to collide had Whis and Vados not stopped them.

Beerus also was seriously concerned about the homing ki attacks Champa sent at him. He had a serious look on his face the entire time they were tracking him and even had a somewhat scared look on his face when Champa followed up with a surprise kick and he barely dodged it.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
I'm not an apologist. I call it like I see it. No-one ever said Bills was going full-power against Champa, and he didn't look like he was trying either. All that means is even Bills not trying and fighting against Champa can destroy the universe which should be obvious.

The context behind why Beerus was smiling was because he had eaten the puff puff fruit on the cake that Champa wanted to eat.

They were treated as equals throughout that fight especially with their final attacks (that looked exactly the same rather than one looking bigger or denser than the other) that were going to collide had Whis and Vados not stopped them.

Beerus also was seriously concerned about the homing ki attacks Champa sent at him. He had a serious look on his face the entire time they were tracking him and even had a somewhat scared look on his face when Champa followed up with a surprise kick and he barely dodged it.
Maybe, I'm remembering wrong but I definitely remember Bills smiling. He didn't see Champa as a threat to himself at-all. He's his brother. He knows his power. Champa is probably the much lower younger brother, but still dimensions higher than mostly any mortal from any universe.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
Maybe, I'm remembering wrong but I definitely remember Bills smiling. He didn't see Champa as a threat to himself at-all. He's his brother. He knows his power. Champa is probably the much lower younger brother, but still dimensions higher than mostly any mortal from any universe.

I'm not saying he wasn't smiling. I'm saying he was smiling for a different reason than you're implying. It was all because he got to eat the fruit at the top of the cake and have it all to himself.

He was clearly putting in effort when dealing with Champa's attacks and having to dodge. And he wasn't smiling the ENTIRE fight.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
xenos5 said:
Captain Cadaver said:
]That was in the past. For all we know, Beerus may have continued training after their battle, whereas Champa didn't.

No. That excuse doesn't cut it. Vados and Whis's jobs are pretty much to train their respective gods of destruction. Vados would not be doing her job if she suddenly stopped training Champa. The anime got this right. The manga is failing horribly here.

Also. Do you expect me to believe ALL of the other gods of destruction DON'T TRAIN while only Beerus who's been portrayed over and over as a lazy fucker is the ONLY ONE who does? Nope. If there were any GoDs who were as powerful as Champa and Beerus or stronger than them during the time period their flashback fight took place and they kept training afterwards they would STILL be just as strong or stronger than Beerus.

Toyble is a hack who's showing his blatant favoritism once again.

He already degraded the manga gods of destruction by having Goku magically pull Hakai out of his ass. Now he's just further dug himself into a hole by making the other GoDs look like fodder to Beerus which makes 0 sense. He's dehyped them and now the title "god of destruction" feels practically meaningless in the manga.
Don't you think that's more Toriyama's favoritism than Toyotaro's? Toriyama seems to have a fondness for Beerus since BoG.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Doesn't Vados suggest Beerus > Champa in both the anime and manga?


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Pyro said:
Don't you think that's more Toriyama's favoritism than Toyotaro's? Toriyama seems to have a fondness for Beerus since BoG.

Not really. If this was "part of Toriyama's outline" it would've been in the anime and the manga. But it wasn't.

In the anime its made clear there are GoDs equal to (Champa) and stronger than (the god who beat Beerus in arm wrestling) Beerus.

The four gods that are not participating in the tournament due to the high mortal levels of their universes are also portrayed as if they're at a higher level. Especially Gin with how he stayed back and predicted the Grand Priest would make those who fought clean up after the fight ends.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I think the Hakaishins are pissed off with the idea of ToP and blamed Beerus instead of Goku. Damn, I can'tell wait for Beerus in action! I just hope we got this in the anime as well.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xenos5 said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Maybe, I'm remembering wrong but I definitely remember Bills smiling. He didn't see Champa as a threat to himself at-all. He's his brother. He knows his power. Champa is probably the much lower younger brother, but still dimensions higher than mostly any mortal from any universe.

I'm not saying he wasn't smiling. I'm saying he was smiling for a different reason than you're implying. It was all because he got to eat the fruit at the top of the cake and have it all to himself.

He was clearly putting in effort when dealing with Champa's attacks and having to dodge. And he wasn't smiling the ENTIRE fight.
I'm saying he wouldn't be smiling at all, if it was someone he couldn't handle. What if he took something from Zen-oh?


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Fantastische Hure said:
I'm saying he wouldn't be smiling at all, if it was someone he couldn't handle. What if he took something from Zen-oh?

What about all the times Goku smiles as he's having a good fight? You can smile while fighting someone equal to you.

Beerus was in a good mood from having eaten that fruit. That was made especially clear. And there are clear instances where Beerus stops smiling (as he's followed by the homing energy attacks Champa sends at him and as Champa almost hits him with a surprise kick).