Recent Chapter Discussion

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
2kewl4u said:
That seems to be the case, but considering it seems like the humans get ringed-out by Frost in the next chapter, doesn't seem likely. Unless they do a reveal like "you thought we were the weak links? think again" and then show how much they powered-up. Seems unlikely though.
Considering how Freeza's character likely won't be completely different from the anime, I imagine it's just a trap so he can ringout an off-guard Frost, with maybe Kuririn being taken down like in the anime as a necessary loss. Doubt Toyotaro would just reduce 3 U7 members to benchwarmers without even one win, even if they're the weakest members of the team.

After reading the latest chapter (only just became aware Viz translated it), it seems the powerscaling of the minor characters is a lot more different and well defined than the anime. Just going to put a few notes for Versus threads and the like.

- Rubalt (the guy Piccolo beat with Hellzone Grenade) and Murisam are stomped by #17 like jobbers. Not much to say when #17's Current SS3 tier though. Even True form Freeza at whatever percentage he's currently using (which still seems to be > True form Frost) considers Rubalt to be trash, so he's likely below Base Saiyan tier.
- Hermila, Jimeze and Prum all get stomped by #18. Needless to say, Hermila and Jimeze aren't as impressive as their anime selves.
- Nink and Katopesla are effortlessly beaten by Base Vegeta.
- Kunshi is capable of blocking a hit from Base Goku without any damage and the combined force of the Pride Troopers can overpower him, though SSJ Goku is capable of stomping all the Pride Troopers at once (minus the top 3 of course).
- Comfrey (the freaky fish guy from U9) seems about equal to Obuni.
- Murichim seems capable of stomping Hop.
- Rozie can easily dodge attacks from The Preecho (the Cell ripoff who jobbed to Tenshithands and Roshi in the anime).
- Dercori (the talisman woman Roshi beat) can dodge attacks from Sorrel (the bunny furry from U9).
- Napapa can smack away either Saonel or Pirina.
- Shosa (the wolf guy #18 and Kuririn beat before fighting Majora) seems about equal to Hermila.
- Hyssop stomps Jilcol.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Will update it to include the Pride Troopers. The rest haven't presented any feats worth comparing them to previous characters just yet.


Dec 13, 2016
Full chapter in chinese:

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Looking at the new chapter, it's far better than the anime version of the U9 fight, since the focus on the non-top tiers of U7 along with Frost getting a lot of shine is far better than just having Goku and Vegeta do all the work. Tenshithands jobbing to Frost was at least a more worthy loss than tieing with a jabroni with a fancy gun too. The way in which Freeza betrayed Frost was also a lot cooler than the simplistic way he was beaten in the anime, plus he at least has the common sense not to try and rush back into the arena to get Hakai'd.

As far as power scaling feats in the chapter go...

- Tenshithands and Roshi can block hits from Frost. Humans' GAINZ are just as great as in the anime. :troll. Frost can still tank a Kikoho though.
- Human haxing is reinforced by all the U7 low tiers dodging Magetta's punch.
- Gohan doesn't seem to be the SSB tier he is in the anime, unless the manga's going with the idea of his Ultimate self being a transformation. He seems to not be too much stronger than Piccolo overall, though that still places him far above Base Goku/Vegeta at least.
- The Trio De Dangers can prove troublesome for Gohan, so as far as their base power goes, they're infinitely more impressive than their anime selves. Gohan can still overpower them with an explosive wave though.
- Murichim and Base Vegeta seem to have started a fight. We only see them standing though, so it's unknown if they're comparable, though a good reference for later events.
- Piccolo clashed evenly with Hysopp's punch, so they're about equal. Frost also struggles to lift Hysopp's fist at first, reinforcing that he and Piccolo aren't too far apart.
- Roselle was capable of pinning down Piccolo, so the two are at least comparable.
- Chappil and Oregano are all oneshot material to Frost. Sorrel and Hop don't fare much better, getting beat even easier than Tenshithands was.
- Comfrey proves a challenge to Frost, though an explosive wave is still enough to KO him. Guessing Comfrey was a glass cannon.
- Freeza manhandles Frost and beats him in several hits, though I believe wearing Frost down was a factor to the ease of this.
- Freeza can oneshot Basil and Lavender, showing that he's above Piccolo and Base Gohan, likely being around SSJ tier like his anime self.
- Piccolo can easily deal with Bergamo once his brothers are isolated.
- Botamo and Jirasen from U10 seem about even in strength.

So yeah, as far as powerscaling goes, it's 100x more consistent than the anime thus far.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Looking at the new chapter, it's far better than the anime version of the U9 fight, since the focus on the non-top tiers of U7 along with Frost getting a lot of shine is far better than just having Goku and Vegeta do all the work. Tenshithands jobbing to Frost was at least a more worthy loss than tieing with a jabroni with a fancy gun too. The way in which Freeza betrayed Frost was also a lot cooler than the simplistic way he was beaten in the anime, plus he at least has the common sense not to try and rush back into the arena to get Hakai'd.

As far as power scaling feats in the chapter go...

- Tenshithands and Roshi can block hits from Frost. Humans' GAINZ are just as great as in the anime. :troll. Frost can still tank a Kikoho though.
- Human haxing is reinforced by all the U7 low tiers dodging Magetta's punch.
- Gohan doesn't seem to be the SSB tier he is in the anime, unless the manga's going with the idea of his Ultimate self being a transformation. He seems to not be too much stronger than Piccolo overall, though that still places him far above Base Goku/Vegeta at least.
- The Trio De Dangers can prove troublesome for Gohan, so as far as their base power goes, they're infinitely more impressive than their anime selves. Gohan can still overpower them with an explosive wave though.
- Murichim and Base Vegeta seem to have started a fight. We only see them standing though, so it's unknown if they're comparable, though a good reference for later events.
- Piccolo clashed evenly with Hysopp's punch, so they're about equal. Frost also struggles to lift Hysopp's fist at first, reinforcing that he and Piccolo aren't too far apart.
- Roselle was capable of pinning down Piccolo, so the two are at least comparable.
- Chappil and Oregano are all oneshot material to Frost. Sorrel and Hop don't fare much better, getting beat even easier than Tenshithands was.
- Comfrey proves a challenge to Frost, though an explosive wave is still enough to KO him. Guessing Comfrey was a glass cannon.
- Freeza manhandles Frost and beats him in several hits, though I believe wearing Frost down was a factor to the ease of this.
- Freeza can oneshot Basil and Lavender, showing that he's above Piccolo and Base Gohan, likely being around SSJ tier like his anime self.
- Piccolo can easily deal with Bergamo once his brothers are isolated.
- Botamo and Jirasen from U10 seem about even in strength.

So yeah, as far as powerscaling goes, it's 100x more consistent than the anime thus far.

Do you think Kuririn is still the strongest human in this version of the ToP? Frost defeated him very quick, then again Ten and Roshi didn't do anything too noteworthy either.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kuririn got caught off-guard, which is not only crucial in Super such as with Sorbet's ray gun, but in DB in general (eg. 50% Freeza being knocked away by Piccolo's kick). Clearly a different situation from Tenshithands and Roshi, plus official sources for the ToP still cite Kuririn as the strongest human.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Not much to add, other than in terms of raw power, Piccolo seems superior to all the U9 fighters since even the seemingly physically strongest, Hyssop, was only described as being "not bad". Also, Gohan states he may need to use his full power, which Piccolo says to conserve, proving he can use his Ultimate self as a form just like in the anime most likely.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015

Super Saiyans = Base Freeza >> Frost > Piccolo > Base Saiyans > U9 Fighters > Humans


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
It's interesting that we haven't seen Golden Freeza illustrated by Toyotaro even once :cena


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Chapter was decent. Glad they are pushing through the filler nonsense quickly.


High Class Warrior
Oct 26, 2015
Where you guys reading at? MangaStream dropped it 2 chapters ago and I just noticed.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Drama said:
Where you guys reading at? MangaStream dropped it 2 chapters ago and I just noticed.
Viz themselves are putting the chapters up for free. Until I assume they get put into volumes and then you have to buy it.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
I liked how Frost got humiliated and eliminated by Freeza and Toyotaro didn't even bother to give him a moment of even trying to get his revenge. :cena :cena :cena


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
So does that basically confirm that Frost gets wished back along with the rest of the U6 team when Galu and the hax gainz duo :rape and 17 win? :cena :cena