Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
The Armoured Squad could give some pressure to Goku when fighting him 3 on 1 so given this, I'd assume Piccolo's power was on par with pre-Zenkai Goku in this film. That said, Sauzer oneshots.

ToP #18 VS ToP SS3 Goku
- In this hypothetical, #18 keeps training after the Cell Games, making the same Gainz as her brother.
- Manga scaling for both.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
I think 18 will win in the long run with SS3 Goku having energy strain. Dragonball Evolution Vs Live Action Avatar the last Airbender in which one sucked the most.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Dragonball Evolution since despite how bad The Last Airbender was, there were at least a few problems that could be found in both the film and source material (eg. Sokka's romance with Yue being completely rushed in both). TLA at least had better CGI creatures such as their job with Appa as well in terms of both matching the source material and just being far more aesthetically pleasing than vomit green Piccolo or Werewolf Gorilla Goku.

Vegetto Boo runs the GT Gauntlet.
- Boo can tap into Vegetto's power as a SS3, as well as also utilise his Enraged state from filler that he used to open multiple dimensional holes if he's backed into a corner.
- No intel for anyone about the Candy Beam or Absorption unless they're a character already aware of it in the Boo Arc.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Vegetto Buu wouldn't even make past the incarnation of ritual form Goku that fought against Beerus, as this form of Goku was strongly implied to be stronger than anything that Vegetto at that time could muster, and Goku didn't have confidence in fusion. While some argue that this merely suggests ritual form Goku > SSJ Vegetto, I feel there's no reason to assume that SSJ3 Vegetto wasn't factored into the equation.

If we're talking about team universe 7, Ultimate Gohan and above would wreck this hypothetical Buu Vegetto with SSJ3 powers. Meaning, characters like Android 17 and Golden Frieza would win with exceptional ease.

Current Android 18 (powered up against Giant Ribrianne) vs Buuhan

My speculation: #18 wins instantly. She's shown numerous feats that place her around the Base Saiyans if not a tad higher. Possibly even between current base and current SSJ.

Android 18 > / = Base Goku / Vegeta >> Copy Base Vegeta >>>>> Buuhan > Buutenks > Ultimate Gohan (Buu saga) > SSJ3 Gotenks > / = Super Buu > Mr. Buu

SSJ3 Gotenks attacks were completely useless against Copy Vegeta; this implies a huge gap between the two.


High Class Warrior
Jun 4, 2015
I'll go with Giran on this. While Ranfan's off guard attack did more damage to Nam than Giran's did to Goku I wouldn't use that as an implication of her being stronger since she was later one shotted while Giran wasn't.

Base Zarbon (10%) vs Piccolo (Saiyan arc)


Dec 13, 2016
Animelover5487 said:
I'll go with Giran on this. While Ranfan's off guard attack did more damage to Nam than Giran's did to Goku I wouldn't use that as an implication of her being stronger since she was later one shotted while Giran wasn't.

Base Zarbon (10%) vs Piccolo (Saiyan arc)

Likely Piccolo thanks to being smarter in fights and being able to sense ki. As soon as he breaks his scouter, he can resort to stealth fight and kill Zarbon with a surprise Makankosappo.

Ultimate Goku VS DBVerse
- SSJ4 Goku (EoGT) has merged with Ultra Instinct Goku (Super). The same multiplier as Potara, the one stated by Vados, applies.
- The fusion is permanent

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
He probably solos with that kind of hax.

supercat said:
Vegetto Buu wouldn't even make past the incarnation of ritual form Goku that fought against Beerus, as this form of Goku was strongly implied to be stronger than anything that Vegetto at that time could muster, and Goku didn't have confidence in fusion. While some argue that this merely suggests ritual form Goku > SSJ Vegetto, I feel there's no reason to assume that SSJ3 Vegetto wasn't factored into the equation.
It's a GT Gauntlet, not a Super gauntlet.

That said, same matchup as before.

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
I think 3rd form take it. Garlic is only stronger than 2nd form Freiza. TOP Ultimate Gohan Vs Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
He probably solos with that kind of hax.

supercat said:
Vegetto Buu wouldn't even make past the incarnation of ritual form Goku that fought against Beerus, as this form of Goku was strongly implied to be stronger than anything that Vegetto at that time could muster, and Goku didn't have confidence in fusion. While some argue that this merely suggests ritual form Goku > SSJ Vegetto, I feel there's no reason to assume that SSJ3 Vegetto wasn't factored into the equation.
It's a GT Gauntlet, not a Super gauntlet.

That said, same matchup as before.

Oh, my bad! In that case, this hypothetical Vegetto-Buu would probably win with ease until he goes up against Super Baby Vegeta 2; to whom he'd probably lose to after putting up a decent fight.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
UltimateGohkan said:
TOP Ultimate Gohan Vs Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black
Manga-wise, Black likely wins with mid-diff or high-diff at most if assuming Manga Gohan's reached SSB tier like his anime self. Anime-wise, Gohan stomps, since he's on par with SSB Goku/Vegeta, who ought to be at least as strong as the SSB Goku who's Kamehameha overpowered Merged Zamasu's halo.

Pride Troopers (Minus Jiren, Toppo and Dyspo) VS ToP Piccolo
- Manga versions of all.


Low Class Warrior
Jun 28, 2016
Not a huge fan of manga power scaling, but wasn't SSJ Goku able to defeat most of the Pride Troopers rather easily? Assuming manga Base Goku is comparable to SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga), turning Super Saiyan would likely grant power far greater than anything Piccolo could muster up. I have Piccolo more or less on par with Base Goku; perhaps even a tad weaker. That said, considering how easily Goku took care of the Pride Troopers, Piccolo may actually be able to win after a difficult fight; he'd likely get ripped apart quite a bit in the process though.

Piccolo (ToP) vs Buuhan

If Piccolo wins too easily, what about Piccolo vs SSJ Vegetto (Buu saga)?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Piccolo oneshots both. Base Goku's feats such as being able to fight against Initial Hit who's time skip wrecked ~10% SSB Vegeta in the manga, as well as face a far less suppressed than usual Beerus in the anime place him well above BoG SS3 Vegetto by the time of the U6 tournament, and Piccolo's a lot closer to that version of Goku's SSJ form than base form.

Post-Freeza Arc Goku VS Cell Games Gohan in a character rewrite contest.


Dec 13, 2016
Goku. The only thing that was rewritten about Gohan in CG was him being unwilling to kill off Cell. Goku, on the other hand, has been given unnecessary character flaws, such as him caring more about a fair fight than saving the world, being constantly off-guard, abandonning his family for a kid he just met, etc.

Vegeta (Cell arc) VS Goku (Cell/Boo arc), in character assassination contest.


May 30, 2015
As far as I remember, the only one of the 2 that killed someone was Goku to Kid Boo. Therefore Goku.

Yamcha (TB23) vs Goku (Post Water)?

I was thinking of a theory. That Tenshinhan's phrase about Goku's (Weighted) speed of "He has not increased much", rather he meant that he did not increase much in comparison to his strength. Something like this:

Goku (Post Water) = 1
Goku (Weighted / Speed) = 1.28
Goku (Weighted / Strength) = 2.56

Since with that you can have Krilin and Yamcha of TB23 comfortably more powerful than Goku (Post Water), since it is suggested with the statement of Shen by telling Yamcha that if he trains hard, he will be able to reach it in the future, while Mr. Popo does not say the same about Goku (Vs Popo). In addition, the latter may get a small Zenkai after his fight against Piccolo Daimao.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Goku wins pretty easily. Him not wanting to kill Gero because he hadn't done anything and wanting a good fight at the expense of the world's safety is completely the opposite of his selfless nature towards innocents and ruthless nature towards evildoers he had as a kid/teen. Then there's also him actively holding back for dumb reasons such as wanting the next generation to take over despite Goten and Trunks being underprepared. Vegeta regressed as a character, but beyond his arrogance being amplified to stupidity and not killing Cell, there wasn't much that was completely at odds with his previous arc's personality.

Yamcha (TB23) vs Goku (Post Water)?
Likely Goku. What you say is interesting, but doesn't have much backing it up, especially not when Ten said he previously considered the Goku from 3 years ago to be the peak of power but didn't say anything similar to Yamcha and Kuririn surpassing his expectations. Kami's statement may also be just referring to the level he was using against Yamcha, which was far from his full power.

Kaioken x2 Gohan & Kuririn (VS Gurd) VS Post-Zarbon Zenkai Vegeta


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I don't think they are much above 10k so they get stomped. 24k Vegeta would be a better match.

Base Bojack vs SSJ Goku (Boo Arc)
~ If Bojack wins, he faces M10 SSJ :pakl

Ultimate Cell

High Class Warrior
Jan 3, 2017
I think Goku is stronger than Base Bojack so I think he wins. Royal Blue Vegeta Vs SS Kefla

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Even transformed, Bojack and his henchmen took a while to take down SSJ Gohan who may have been weaker than at the Cell Games when considering Roshi found Gohan VS Trunks to be debatable. That said, Base Blojack gets wrecked.

Kaioken x3 Beerus VS Whis & Vados
- No Kaioken strain

UltimateGohkan said:
Royal Blue Vegeta Vs SS Kefla
Depends whether or not it's before or after Vegeta's resolve boost. Pre-Resolve boost likely loses, whereas post likely wins due to Hakaishin Toppo's feat of changing the World of Void's sky being comparable to Initial Jiren shaking it, along with being referred to as practically being a Hakaishin (ie. on their level), plus Vegeta is far more skilled than Kefla.