Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Tagoma Ginyu doesn't need to be much more than minimally above SSJ Gotenks, so Gotenks stomps as long as he doesn't mess around for 30 minutes.

Pre-Zenkai SSJ Black VS Kaioken x2 SS3 Galu (FT Arc)
- Manga versions of both, obviously.
- No Kaioken strain.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering you didn't confirm this is a Z version of Gogeta, I'll assume it's his GT self how it appeared in the series. That said, Gogeta oneshots seeing as how the limits of all characters seem to be drastically greater in GT (eg. M2 Base Galu >> Ultimate Gohan) and Gogeta being referred to by the Perfect Files to be someone who's power is "limitless".

Tapion VS Piccolo
- Round 1: Tapion can only use his sword and fights against Pre-Rosat Kamicollo.
- Round 2: Tapion can use his ocarina and this is Cell Games Piccolo. Big Green has no intel and assume the Namekian weakness to high pitched noises from Movie 4 is canon.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 23, 2018
Ssj4 Gogeta stomps. Nothing in Z, no matter the upgrade, could reach Ssj4 Gogeta (mostly)

Ssj3 Gogeta (Shadow Dragons Arc Saga) vs Omega Shenron

-Both are Bloodlusted
-Gogeta has no time limit
-Win by Kill only
-Fight takes place in the Kaioshin Realm
-No outside help or equipments of any sort allowed

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
CroMagnumDVH said:
Ssj4 Gogeta stomps. Nothing in Z, no matter the upgrade, could reach Ssj4 Gogeta (mostly)
You're supposed to go with the matchup the previous person posted, not the one before it.

Ssj3 Gogeta (Shadow Dragons Arc Saga) vs Omega Shenron

-Both are Bloodlusted
-Gogeta has no time limit
-Win by Kill only
-Fight takes place in the Kaioshin Realm
-No outside help or equipments of any sort allowed
Yi Xing Long wins. Vegeta specifying they could beat him with "A Super Saiyan 4 fusion" would imply that anything below SS4 wouldn't be enough, not to mention Yi Xing Long has vastly superior stamina.

Same matchup as I previously posted.


Dec 13, 2016
Tapion didn't seem that tough.

I'd say Piccolo wins the first scenario, but losses the second.

Monster Carrot VS Part 1
-Monster Carrot somehow obtains Light Bullet and Light Speed Mode.
-Assume that the opponents don't retain their powers as carrots.
-How far does he make it ?
-All opponents are aware of his Carrot transformation ability, but not his speed.

If he clears, he will be up against Raditz.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Nobody is Light Speed until GT/Super, so he solos. :giraffe

Gohan Boo VS Base Vegetto & SSW Piccolo (Post-Daimao Fusion)

Six Trails

May 30, 2015
SSW Piccolo only surpasses Evil Boo if I recall correctly, and I only have Base Vegetto surpassing the likes of SS Gotenks (post), so Gohan-Boo would win, especially given his regeneration and stamina hax.

SS2 Vegetto vs. Super Vegeta-Baby 2

Jeff Styles

May 31, 2015
Bebi wins. I have Super Bebi 2 4x Super Bebi based on the PF saying his strongest form 2 resembles SSJ3. While SSJ2 Vegetto is only 2x his SSJ self.

Bebi Vegeta: 1
SSJ Vegetto: 1.5
SBV: 2
SSJ2 Vegetto: 3
SBV2: 8

SSJ3 Gotenks (BoGT) vs Bootenks

Rules: Gotenks has no time limit. Bootenks can't absorb Gotenks, turn him into food, and doesn't have unlimited stamina.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering GT's powerscaling of Trunks not being absolute leagues behind Goku in the same form based on the fight with Lood, Gotenks would be leagues above the <3x gap needed to win. Base Gotenks alone may be capable of taking it.

Bora VS 21st TB Kuririn
- Winner takes on Murasaki.


Low Class Warrior
Apr 23, 2018
Captain Cadaver said:
Nobody is Light Speed until GT/Super, so he solos. :giraffe

Hopefully this isn't serious tho

Gohan Boo VS Base Vegetto & SSW Piccolo (Post-Daimao Fusion)

Is this Vegito Buu Saga? If so, then he alone manhandled Buuhan, but loses to enraged Buuhan. I don't think Piccolo would make much of a difference given the difference in power

-Base Rildo vs Enraged Buuhan

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
CroMagnumDVH said:
Hopefully this isn't serious tho
No character displayed any Light Speed feats outside of anime-exclusive content which contradict later feats in the canon.

Is this Vegito Buu Saga? If so, then he alone manhandled Buuhan, but loses to enraged Buuhan. I don't think Piccolo would make much of a difference given the difference in power
Vegetto immediately went SSJ out of necessity against Boo in the manga, and even anime-wise, Boo's confidence after Vegetto smacked away his attack shows he wasn't going all out.

-Base Rildo vs Enraged Buuhan
Goku offered nobody a "strongest Ki I've ever sensed statement" until Vegeta-Baby's 1st transformation, making SSJ Vegetto the gold standard. This would suggest GT follows the manga's scaling for the Boo Arc, since Enraged Gohan Boo was relevant to Vegetto end therefore likely isn't taken into account with Goku's statement of Rild > Boo, so Boo stomps even Rild's transformed state.

:giraffe VS Episode 5 Goku in a bad animation frame contest


Low Class Warrior
Apr 23, 2018
Captain Cadaver said:
CroMagnumDVH said:
Hopefully this isn't serious tho
No character displayed any Light Speed feats outside of anime-exclusive content which contradict later feats in the canon.

Light speed feats are shown in the Manga and Dragon Ball Kai many times. I don't even know how you got to that absurd conclusion just because you aren't aware of any. It just means you messed them

Is this Vegito Buu Saga? If so, then he alone manhandled Buuhan, but loses to enraged Buuhan. I don't think Piccolo would make much of a difference given the difference in power
Vegetto immediately went SSJ out of necessity against Boo in the manga, and even anime-wise, Boo's confidence after Vegetto smacked away his attack shows he wasn't going all out.

He never went Super Saiyan out of necessity. That's speculation. There are many interpretations and Power isn't supported at all. In fact in the Anime it was more than established that Buuhan is inferior to Vegito and this was done obvious enough.

Goku offered nobody a "strongest Ki I've ever sensed statement" until Vegeta-Baby's 1st transformation, making SSJ Vegetto the gold standard. This would suggest GT follows the manga's scaling for the Boo Arc, since Enraged Gohan Boo was relevant to Vegetto end therefore likely isn't taken into account with Goku's statement of Rild > Boo, so Boo stomps even Rild's transformed state.

Never offered? Yes he did. Also GT Follows the Anime for multiple reasons aside from a couple of outliers. Regardless of the Matter, Dragon Ball Kai is canon. Buuhan wasn't relative to Vegito. Vegito still has multiple transformations left and even as a Super Saiyan he proceeds to solo Buuhan, the same enraged Buuhan which is even stated by Vegito. Rildo isn't above Vegito but above Buuhan. Cant see the logic behind that at all

:giraffe VS Episode 5 Goku in a bad animation frame contest

Episode 5 Goku imo

-Super Perfect Cell vs Movie 8 Goku

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
CroMagnumDVH said:
Light speed feats are shown in the Manga and Dragon Ball Kai many times. I don't even know how you got to that absurd conclusion just because you aren't aware of any. It just means you messed them
Then by all means point them out.

He never went Super Saiyan out of necessity. That's speculation. There are many interpretations and Power isn't supported at all. In fact in the Anime it was more than established that Buuhan is inferior to Vegito and this was done obvious enough.
If he were to go Super Saiyan immediately after forming and was even amazed his SSJ form was enough to make a fool of Boo, then that says enough. Anime-wise Boo not completely losing his mind over Vegetto knocking his Ki ball back makes him holding back obvious enough.

Never offered? Yes he did.
He didn't. It wasn't until Baby that he noted someone was the "Strongest Ki" he'd ever felt.

Also GT Follows the Anime for multiple reasons aside from a couple of outliers.
The very outlier we're discussing.

Regardless of the Matter, Dragon Ball Kai is canon.
Not to the manga, considering the power chain of the Boo Arc at the end of the anime remains unaltered from Z.

Buuhan wasn't relative to Vegito. Vegito still has multiple transformations left and even as a Super Saiyan he proceeds to solo Buuhan, the same enraged Buuhan which is even stated by Vegito. Rildo isn't above Vegito but above Buuhan. Cant see the logic behind that at all.
Vegetto struggled to break through his barrier when he became enraged and had to flare his aura up, as well as compliment his strength. The gap between them couldn't be big for that feat to occur. If you can by some miracle fit the power chain of SSJ Vegetto > Vegeta-Baby > SS3 Goku (Post-M2) >>>> Base Goku (M2) > Base Rild > Enraged Gohan Boo into such a small gap by all means go ahead and try.

-Super Perfect Cell vs Movie 8 Goku
Cell oneshots seeing as how we're not given a conclusive timeframe for Broly's ravaging of the South Galaxy, nor how much of it he actually destroyed given it wasn't completely destroyed. Assuming, however, the timeframe was similar to what was shown onscreen and the entirety of the South Galaxy was shown in the shot, then Goku oneshots.

Hakaishin Toppo & SSBE Vegeta VS FP Jiren
- Win by death, so Toppo can use Hakai.
- If Jiren still wins, add in LSS2 Kefla.

Six Trails

May 30, 2015

This thread is only for short match-ups, not really for debate. If you’d like to challenge CC, there is a challenge thread in the Planet Vegeta section. Otherwise, please stick to answering the post right before yours. Thank you.

I don’t have an answer for CC’s matchup so whoever comes after me can answer.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
[mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention] The team can beat (not rage Jiren) with SS2 Kefla included.

CG Piccolo KKx4 vs. Bojack.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming this is Base Bojack, Piccolo stomps since I don't believe Piccolo's power would be much less than 40% of CG Galu's power and Blowjack's feats don't place him much higher than MSSJ Goku's level at best. If it's Jolly Green Giant Blowjack...he still gets stomped, considering the gap between he and Gohan was still small enough Gohan could take a few decent hits from him with minor injury and even defend against he and all his henchmen at once for a few seconds.

Anilasa VS Kaioken x5 SSB Goku (ToP)


Low Class Warrior
Apr 23, 2018
Six Trails said:

This thread is only for short match-ups, not really for debate. If you’d like to challenge CC, there is a challenge thread in the Planet Vegeta section. Otherwise, please stick to answering the post right before yours. Thank you.

I don’t have an answer for CC’s matchup so whoever comes after me can answer.

Alright, after this I won't be debating much on this thread, but I'll post a last comment to clear up things. The rest will be done in the CC's matchup or a thread I create

Captain Cadaver said:
CroMagnumDVH said:
Light speed feats are shown in the Manga and Dragon Ball Kai many times. I don't even know how you got to that absurd conclusion just because you aren't aware of any. It just means you messed them
Then by all means point them out.

I already debunked the misconception months ago so check it out there:

It debunks your notion and shows a couple of feats to note.

If he were to go Super Saiyan immediately after forming and was even amazed his SSJ form was enough to make a fool of Boo, then that says enough.

No that doesn't say enough at all. He was amazed in general about how powerful he is and not just his Super Saiyan form. In fact he says he's shocked that the Potara in general made him much stronger than he anticipated. That's all, so what you're saying absolutely correlates to nothing in regards to having necessity to go Super Saiyan.

Anime-wise Boo not completely losing his mind over Vegetto knocking his Ki ball back makes him holding back obvious enough.

No He wasn't holding back. Buuhan was just getting stronger. In fact Buuhan even states this; the more anrgy he gets the stronger he gets, hence his enraged form suddenly managed to push Vegito. Initially be was inferior to Base Vegito and Dragon Ball Kai made it far more than just obvious. Buuhan was counting on that specific factor to end up overpowering Vegito but he failed regardless.

He didn't. It wasn't until Baby that he noted someone was the "Strongest Ki" he'd ever felt.

The strongest Ki would also mean that Baby is Stronger than Ssj3 Vegito from The Buu Saga since Goku said it's the strongest Ki he had ever felt and he could never imagine anything like it. Rildo is stated to be stronger than anyone Goku dealt with from before. In fact, Rildo being stronger than Buuhan doesn't in anyway mean he's above Vegito like you're implying. Also just because it wasn't stated doesn't mean it's wrong If there are other statements and feats already affirming it. You need to show me otherwise, if you can't then my point stands firm.

The very outlier we're discussing.

Uh I see, so you're taking these outliers to prove your point? Nice. Never saw anyone like that before.

Not to the manga, considering the power chain of the Boo Arc at the end of the anime remains unaltered from Z.

No, it is canon in general to the Manga. It is Akira Toriyama's personal cut and corrected it to follow the wishes he has and make it compatible to the Manga.

Vegetto struggled to break through his barrier when he became enraged and had to flare his aura up, as well as compliment his strength. The gap between them couldn't be big for that feat to occur. If you can by some miracle fit the power chain of SSJ Vegetto > Vegeta-Baby > SS3 Goku (Post-M2) >>>> Base Goku (M2) > Base Rild > Enraged Gohan Boo into such a small gap by all means go ahead and try.

What?? Who said I'm supporting your chain in the first place? No one did and non of what you're saying is even possible in the slightest. The correct chain is Baby Vegeta > Ssj3 Goku (M2) >>> Ssj3 Vegito Buu Saga >>>>>>> Ssj Vegito > Base Goku (M2) Base Rildo > Enraged Buuhan >>>> Base Vegito Buu Saga. The strongest claim works perfectly since Baby Vegeta is even above Vegito, Rildo is only above Buuhan. So your entire argument is nothing but piled up conjectures, frankly speaking.

Hakaishin Toppo & SSBE Vegeta VS FP Jiren
- Win by death, so Toppo can use Hakai.
- If Jiren still wins, add in LSS2 Kefla.

Jiren roflstomps them all and proceeds to rape Kefla

-Final Form Frieza (not golden) ToP arc vs Episode 104 Hit


Low Class Warrior
Apr 23, 2018
Captain Cadaver said:
Anilasa VS Kaioken x5 SSB Goku (ToP)

You need to specify which SsjB Goku you're talking about. If It's started of the Tournament then Goku gets stomped.

- SsjB Goku (against Bergamo) vs Ssj Goku (against Toppo)


High Class Warrior
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Sep 23, 2016
SSJB Goku wins in one-shot. SSJ Goku's performance against Toppo looked decent at face value, but it was ultimately a warm-up that transitioned into the real deal (i.e. SSJB Goku vs Toppo).

Piccolo (Trunks Arc) vs 3rd Form Frieza (Frieza Arc)

If Piccolo wins, he fights Vegeta (post-Dende healing)

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