Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say Piccolo stomps. Goku says Piccolo and Gohan had grown enough in power that they were barely recognisable and Piccolo was shown as consistently keeping up with Gohan's movements in their teamwork against Saganbo, which would suggest he isn't far below Gohan's level.

One scene from Dragonball Evolution VS The worst of DBS in terms of ruining the franchise


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Worst of DBS would probably be things like Episode 5, the latter half of the FT and most of the ToP arcs, the atrocious base Freeza vs. Galu fight etc... I'd still give it to Evolution since I could at least tolerate garbage like FnF and later DBS enough to watch entire episodes while Evolution is so reputedly bad that people say "After this, most bad movies will start to look good."



High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Even the worst scene of Super which was Krillin being able to stand up again SSB Goku in a KHH clash doesn't reach the failure of Dragon Ball Evolution

Base Vegetto vs Ultimate Gohan


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'm assuming this is Boo arc Vegetto since ToP arc Gohan >> base FT arc Vegetto.

Kind of hard to say I guess. In the anime Vegetto stomps, in the manga I'd give it to Gohan by a bit.

SSJB anime Vegetto vs. SSJ4 Kaioken x 5 GT Gogeta

- Make it Kaioken x 10 Gogeta if Gogeta loses.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering Gohan Boo expressed surprise when Vegetto formed whereas his previous self was cautious about a fusion between Goku and Gohan despite it being evident Gohan would have to suppress his power down to Goku's level, Vegetto ought to stomp. There's also their filler fight in the anime, which doesn't contradict manga scaling as Boo makes it pretty obvious he's holding back with the confidence he has throughout it.

Saganbo (Battle on Namek) VS Base Goku Black


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Black wins. I assume that Saganbo knocking SSJ3 Galu out of his transformation was mostly due to Moro sucking up his ki, and the statement that he would've been weak enough for Trunks to beat tells me he wasn't all that special at this stage.

Same match up as my previous fight

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
If taking the GT Perfect Files statement of Gogeta's power being without limit as him being High-Universe level, then he stomps even without Kaioken. If not and just going by the feats presented, he should probably still be able to take it when considering various feats should place YXL at least equal to the combined power of SSG Galu and Suppressed Beerus and applying scaling from there.

SS4 Gohan VS Super Yi Xing Long
- Minus Energy Power Ball is banned.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Gogeta being "limitless" is clearly hyperbole since the Universal Genki-Dama was far above Gogeta's BBKHH and official guidebooks state Gogeta is only tens of times stronger than a regular SSJ4.

I'd probably say Yi Xing Long takes this because despite the Boo arc making it seem like Goku's potential > Vegeta's potential, their SSJ4 forms are equal which is likely saying SSJ4 powers aren't all that drastically different, and going by Super YXL being 10x his previous form, YXL should at least be about 5x higher than beyond-limits fapping SSJ4 Galu. Gohan would certainly edge out his father and Vegeta in potential, I'm just not sure it'd be by 5x.

SSJ4 Gotenks vs. current Moro

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Gogeta being "limitless" is clearly hyperbole since the Universal Genki-Dama was far above Gogeta's BBKHH and official guidebooks state Gogeta is only tens of times stronger than a regular SSJ4.
It's worth noting the Perfect Files also state Gogeta is the strongest being in all dimensions and Gogeta makes it apparent his first BBKHH wasn't his full effort. The "tens of times stronger" statement is also less of a solid indicator due to it being more of a general term in Japanese of simply being far above something else, much in the same way that Cell said Gohan couldn't surpass him in 100 years.

SSJ4 Gotenks vs. current Moro
Considering the manga continuity only has those on the level of the Hakaishin being confirmed as Universe level whereas most SS4 tiers, or at least Beyond Limits SS4 Goku/Vegeta, ought to be on such a level via scaling, Gotenks stomps.

Movie 2 Kaioken x3 Goku VS Monster Zarbon


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
Gogeta being "limitless" is clearly hyperbole since the Universal Genki-Dama was far above Gogeta's BBKHH and official guidebooks state Gogeta is only tens of times stronger than a regular SSJ4.
It's worth noting the Perfect Files also state Gogeta is the strongest being in all dimensions and Gogeta makes it apparent his first BBKHH wasn't his full effort. The "tens of times stronger" statement is also less of a solid indicator due to it being more of a general term in Japanese of simply being far above something else, much in the same way that Cell said Gohan couldn't surpass him in 100 years.

Even still, if the GT crew is able to gather all 7 UDBs in only about 11 months and run into less than a dozen planets with intelligent life in the process, I doubt the GT universe is much vaster than the DBS one (of 28 planets :troll ) and if a Genki-Dama gathered from only so many planets is incomparably higher than Gogeta's first BBKHH (which he still called his hisatsu-waza or certain-kill technique), I doubt Gogeta can truly be considered limitless or similar. I also don't think the tens of times statement is a figurative one when that's way more precise than just saying Gogeta's power can't be calculated or estimated or something like that. Also, the dimensions thing doesn't really mean shit when the concept of the multiverse wasn't known back then.

Movie 2 Kaioken x3 Goku VS Monster Zarbon

Galu would need to be at least 16,000 in base to defeat Monster Zarbon in spite of the Kaioken's strain, so he loses here.

SSJ4 Beyond Limits Vegetto vs. Daishinkan

-Just assume that Daishinkan > Zeno's bodyguards and that the bodyguards are all Hakaishin/Angel tier or higher.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Also, the dimensions thing doesn't really mean shit when the concept of the multiverse wasn't known back then.
Dimensions in GT's context would still refer to things such as Other World, Hell, the "Shen Long Realm", etc. basically just being a way of saying "Gogeta is the strongest in existence" (something multiple sources such as the Budokai Tenkaichi character bios have also parroted).

Kenshi said:
Galu would need to be at least 16,000 in base to defeat Monster Zarbon in spite of the Kaioken's strain, so he loses here.
Yeah, if it was a Kaioken x2 rather than x3.

SSJ4 Beyond Limits Vegetto vs. Daishinkan
-Just assume that Daishinkan > Zeno's bodyguards and that the bodyguards are all Hakaishin/Angel tier or higher.
Manga-wise, Daishinken would still be limited to Universe level from that being what the Hakaishin are capable of, so Vegetto ought to win via scaling. Anime-wise, Daishinkan oneshots seeing as how Infinite Zamasu manipulating two timelines simultaneously is far beyond what any GT character is capable of.

ToP Hit with ZA WARUDO runs the DBS gauntlet
- As it suggests, Hit's Time Skip is increased to DIO's shown max of 9 seconds.
- Anime versions of all characters.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Misread the Kaioken part. In that case, I still give it to Zarbon because of better stamina.

Dimensions in GT's context would still refer to things such as Other World, Hell, the "Shen Long Realm", etc. basically just being a way of saying "Gogeta is the strongest in existence" (something multiple sources such as the Budokai Tenkaichi character bios have also parroted).

There's nobody in the Shen Long realm and nobody of importance in the afterlife to SSJ4 tiers, so my point still stands. Also, I rewatched GT episode 61 and Gogeta doesn't really make a statement saying that the first BBKHH wasn't his full effort, just that the next blast would easily kill a weakened base Yi Xing Long.

Hit probably still gets stomped by Jiren considering Jiren can move faster than he can slow time in the manga and Jiren becomes even stronger than his manga self in the anime, so it wouldn't surprise me if Jiren could pull a Made In Heaven and massively reduce Hit's ZA WARUDO duration.

Maron vs. Towa in a sexiness contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Towa considering Maron's lack of jiggling despite being stacked even in a loose fitting swimsuit does give off more of a fake look to it, which detracts from the sexiness of her design. As far as other elements of attraction beyond looks, Towa also has a huge edge when it comes to things such as vocal tones and personality.

Shura VS Initial 22nd TB Tenshinhan
- Shura's weakness to bright lights isn't a factor (and the Taiyoken is banned).


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Didn't watch that Shura filler, but would give it to him nonetheless since initial Tenshithands wasn't drastically above King Jobber Yamcha.

BoZ Kuririn vs. initial MaJunior (vs. Kurirn)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Yamcha and Kuririn were constantly lumped together in the 23rd TB, yet Kuririn is decently ahead of him at the start of Z. I'd take that as Kuririn having made decent gains over the 5 years, so Kuririn wins when considering he could already put up a decent fight against Majunior.

Yamcha (vs. Reacoom filler) VS Butta and Jheese


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Butta and Jheese probably win when Tenshithands being forced to take two of them while consistently being >> Yamcha shows Yamcha probably couldn't do the same imo.

Mewtwo (Pokemon anime) vs. Mr. Popo (pre-Z fapping)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
They should be on comparable levels when considering Mewtwo's thunderstorm creation was a far more powerful City level feat than Daimao's Bakurikimaha, though Mewtwo should be decently faster with how casually he can react to lightning and has more variation in his moves.

GT Cell with Hell Fighter #17 absorbed VS S17 Arc SSJ Goku


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
It doesn't seem like absorbing one cyborg is anything more than a 2x boost at most (or a simple addition), so SSJ Goku still wins when Hell Fighter #17 ~ base Vegeta.

SSJ2 Evil Dragons arc Galu vs. Kaioken x 4 Super Oob

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Depends from which point in the arc as Galu definitely seemed to be far stronger in base by the time he fought Si Xing Long compared to his previous fights in the arc. At the start, he ought to be no different to his S17 Arc self, so I'd say Oob takes it with Kaioken x3. If it's at the later points of the arc, his base form alone stomps (though maybe it may be different for SS2 when we all know Toei base form is the strongest form :troll2).

SSJ Nappa VS Kaioken x10 Nail
- Nail's strain is comparable to Saiyan Arc Galu handling x3.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Nappa would just be a little weaker, so he wins through far better stamina and durability.

Garlic Jr. vs. this faggot in an ugliness contest