Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
Gogeta being "limitless" is clearly hyperbole since the Universal Genki-Dama was far above Gogeta's BBKHH and official guidebooks state Gogeta is only tens of times stronger than a regular SSJ4.
It's worth noting the Perfect Files also state Gogeta is the strongest being in all dimensions and Gogeta makes it apparent his first BBKHH wasn't his full effort. The "tens of times stronger" statement is also less of a solid indicator due to it being more of a general term in Japanese of simply being far above something else, much in the same way that Cell said Gohan couldn't surpass him in 100 years.
Even still, if the GT crew is able to gather all 7 UDBs in only about 11 months and run into less than a dozen planets with intelligent life in the process, I doubt the GT universe is much vaster than the DBS one (of 28 planets

) and if a Genki-Dama gathered from only so many planets is incomparably higher than Gogeta's first BBKHH (which he still called his
hisatsu-waza or certain-kill technique), I doubt Gogeta can truly be considered limitless or similar. I also don't think the tens of times statement is a figurative one when that's way more precise than just saying Gogeta's power can't be calculated or estimated or something like that. Also, the dimensions thing doesn't really mean shit when the concept of the multiverse wasn't known back then.
Movie 2 Kaioken x3 Goku VS Monster Zarbon
Galu would need to be at least 16,000 in base to defeat Monster Zarbon in spite of the Kaioken's strain, so he loses here.
SSJ4 Beyond Limits Vegetto vs. Daishinkan
-Just assume that Daishinkan > Zeno's bodyguards and that the bodyguards are all Hakaishin/Angel tier or higher.