Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
A pamphlet for DBZ Movie 3 states Cacao has a battle power of 13k, so he stomps.

SSJ Goku Jr. (GT TV Special) VS Raditz


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
A pamphlet for DBZ Movie 3 states Cacao has a battle power of 13k, so he stomps.

SSJ Goku Jr. (GT TV Special) VS Raditz

What suggests Goku Jr is so strong in his base? His base should be lower than a grown human

Raditz one shots. I think SSjin Goku Jr cant beat even Roshi (Pre new material)

Young Slug vs M4 Goku Kaioken x10

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pakl said:
What suggests Goku Jr is so strong in his base? His base should be lower than a grown human
He's only that weak at the start of the Special. By the end of it, he'd powered up enough to be far stronger than a demon like Mamba and the original Goku commented on him having become strong, at bare minimum making him far above the average human.

Young Slug vs M4 Goku Kaioken x10
Goku states Slug is in a different league to what he's experienced before or something along those lines, with material such as the Hatchiyack OVA or the guidebook saying Goku needed a Kaioken x100 to overcome Giant Slug suggesting Movies 3 and 4 happened in the same timeline. That said, Slug stomps.

Current Base Goku VS True form Frost
- Super Manga versions of both.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Pakl said:
What suggests Goku Jr is so strong in his base? His base should be lower than a grown human
He's only that weak at the start of the Special. By the end of it, he'd powered up enough to be far stronger than a demon like Mamba and the original Goku commented on him having become strong, at bare minimum making him far above the average human.

Young Slug vs M4 Goku Kaioken x10
Goku states Slug is in a different league to what he's experienced before or something along those lines, with material such as the Hatchiyack OVA or the guidebook saying Goku needed a Kaioken x100 to overcome Giant Slug suggesting Movies 3 and 4 happened in the same timeline. That said, Slug stomps.

Current Base Goku VS True form Frost
- Super Manga versions of both.

But I am talking about Young Slug and not his giant state

Also When Goku Jr beat the demon he had SSjin eyes so I think he was stronger than his base. What suggests he got stronger?

I think Frost takes it. Nothing says Goku got much stroknger that his base would be enough.

Sansho (Dead Zone) vs BoZ Tenshinhan

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pakl said:
But I am talking about Young Slug and not his giant state
As am I when it comes to Goku's statement. Needing to asspull a Kaioken x100 means Kaioken x10 wasn't enough, which need only be the case if Base Slug was already superior to it.

Also When Goku Jr beat the demon he had SSjin eyes so I think he was stronger than his base. What suggests he got stronger?
Goku clearly tells his descendent when meeting him that he's gotten strong.

Sansho (Dead Zone) vs BoZ Tenshinhan
Iirc, Sansho lasted a fair bit against Weighted Piccolo, so he probably takes it as long as Ten can't use the Kikoho.

Colonel Silver VS 21st TB Yamcha


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Depends how seriously you take Yamcha's Baba arc feats. Yamcha was stated to not have trained since the 21st, yet performed better against the Mummy who should be > 21st Jackie Chun. I'd cite that inconsistency as the mummy just not taking Yamcha seriously (esp since he didn't one shot Yamcha), so Silver wins.

Muten Roshi vs. God (Dr. Slump) :troll in design contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Roshi wins due to more variation in the colour palette of his shirt, his sunglasses and the fact we can also factor in the design of his Manly GAINZ mode. :panties

Fatigued Base Vegetto (FT Arc) VS Current Good Boo
- Fight takes place in the ToP arena with its rules applying.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Depends whether Vegetto's low stamina shortens his time limit or not. For the sake of argument, I'd say it does not because he's in base mode.

I'd probably give it to Good Boo after a decent fight due to his superior stamina and the fact that his body manipulation gives him an edge with the out of bounds rule applying. Also, Fatty could just split in two, grab Vegetto and jump off.

Pure Evil Boo (Dai Kaioshin's memory unlocked) vs. ToP Hit and PSSJB Galu

-Pure Evil Boo has no pressure points due to his gumball makeup.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
The team should still have enough of an edge to take it in terms of power, through the question is can their teamwork effectively get past aspects such as Boo's regeneration. I'd say they should be able to if Hit uses his Time Lag and both fighters hit Boo with their largest Ki attacks.

Aka runs a Cell Arc gauntlet
- Aka can't use the Wahaha no Ha.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'd probably say SSJ Galu isn't that far from his BoG arc self considering Toriyama seems to have written the part where he easily defeats Aka after he survived SSJ Gotenks' assault, so Aka is at least touching SSJ2 tier. He solos up until SPC and SSJ2 Gohan, probably only losing if SPC regens and gains a zenkai.

Anime Boo arc vs. FnF arc in asspull power ups contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Anime Boo Arc has worse ones since, as stupid as Freeza's gains were, him having never trained before at least offered some logic behind how he was able to power up so much and his gains in turn offered explanation for Tagoma's, whereas the anime just has Galu and Vegeta become stronger than Ultimate Gohan without even a throwaway statement to explain it.

S17 Arc Base Goku VS Base Baby Vegeta


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
It seems unlocking his SSJ4 form caused his lower forms to catch up to the strongest form going by SSJ Galu's feats against S17 and base Galu's feats in the ED arc, but even then I doubt his base form increased to be higher than his Baby arc SSJ3 form. Base Baby Vegeta wins.

Cha-La-Head-Cha-La vs. Butter-fly in iconic opening contest

If you are unaware of how much Butter-fly has gotten spammed in Adventure related media, consider that it was the opening/background song in Adventure 01, tri. and in the recent Kizuna movie and was Kouji Wada's debut song.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cha-La-Head-Cha-La still probably takes it due to the fact that it's ranked higher and more consistently amongst lists of Japan's favourite anime openings (usually reaching top 3-5), not to mention an orchestral version being used for each of Super's prologues with the exception of Future Trunks Arc episodes.

SSJ Goten and Trunks VS Cell Games SSJ Gohan


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'd say the team takes it if Gohan is in character and doesn't go for the kill due to being related to Goten. Their teamwork in Bio-Broly is how I imagine them fighting somebody like Dabra in canon (if you're in the SSJ camp for Gohan's form debate :troll ), so they should take it due to their good teamwork and coordination and Gohan not being that much more skilled than them individually.

GT Goten vs. GT Gohan vs. Tracksuit Gohan vs. Shello in wasted potential contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd probably say GT Gohan seeing as how the return to fighting he got in the S17 Arc that was meant to mean a lot according to one of the directors went nowhere. Goten's actions in GT at least gave him more personality than his kid self, Cell at least served his narrative and thematic purpose well at times despite some dumb decisions made with his intelligence and Tracksuit Gohan...couldn't waste potential he didn't have to be anything more than a meme. :troll

Maron VS Ranfan VS #21 in a thottery contest :donovan


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Probably Ranfan seeing as she consciously used her sex appeal as her main gimmick while the other two only end up being sexy thots unintentionally.

Piccolo Daimao vs. Raditz in shocking villain revelation contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Definitely Raditz as his arrival and revelations add a completely different context to a lot of earlier material about Goku's inhuman powers and abilities (Oozaru, his heart suddenly restarting, etc.) and expanded on the directions the series could go with space being a possibility. Daimao's appearance could be on par with it if counting Tambourine and his killing of Kuririn as an extension of Piccolo's influence, though the groundwork for it isn't as expansive as what Raditz brought.

BoG Arc SS2 Goku (Manga) VS Base Gotenks (post-Rosat)


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Gotenks one-shots due to Galu being comparable to Freeza Probably Galu. Piccolo didn't say with any certainty that Gotenks could take Super Boo's initial level, meaning it's probably less than a 2x power up from his pre-Rosat SSJ form. Galu's SSJ should at least be on par with his previous SSJ3 from the Boo arc, so even if base Gotenks post > SSJ Gotenks pre > SSJ3 Galu, SSJ2 should be enough to win a war of attrition against Gotenks' time limit.

"Vegeta followed Galu to train with Whis" vs. "Galu will discard SSJ2 and SSJ3 to focus on SSJ" vs. "Nappa was a low-class warrior" vs. "Yamcha never got over his fear of women" in Toriyama interview BS :troll

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Probably Galu discarding SS2 and 3 since he clearly didn't. Vegeta training with Whis after Goku comes close, though as the early parts of the FnF plot aren't shown outside the anime it could be argued Toriyama didn't bother giving Toei notes about it. Nappa being low-class comes after them since you could at least twist it to be in comparison to Vegeta or something, with Yamcha never getting over his fear of women (aside from Bulma) being something that can make sense when his "unfaithfulness" was most likely Bulma misreading the situation/playing the victim when considering their characters and Yamcha's supposed girlfriend never being seen makes it possible he was just bullshitting.

King Vegeta VS Oozaru CHADitz Raditz