Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Probably Gogeta Blue as Potara now lasting 1 hour (the time Galu and Vegeta take to perfect the fusion dance) makes relying on any other method of fusion redundant at this point when teleporting to the Kaioshinkai is something Galu can now do. Either Kale or DBS Broly comes as a close second though due to the former being a pretty forced homage to Broly and the latter being in a weird spot of either being pointless of making Kale redundant when you could've either removed one to be replaced by the other or have Kale be used to build up Broly, yet there was no link made between them.

Freeza Arc Kaio (Anime filler) VS Initial Ginyu


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Probably Gogeta Blue as Potara now lasting 1 hour (the time Galu and Vegeta take to perfect the fusion dance) makes relying on any other method of fusion redundant at this point when teleporting to the Kaioshinkai is something Galu can now do. Either Kale or DBS Broly comes as a close second though due to the former being a pretty forced homage to Broly and the latter being in a weird spot of either being pointless of making Kale redundant when you could've either removed one to be replaced by the other or have Kale be used to build up Broly, yet there was no link made between them.

Freeza Arc Kaio (Anime filler) VS Initial Ginyu

What suggests Kaio is haxed? Because he scared Recoome?

I would say Ginyu wins

Base Gotenks (Post Rosat) vs Pure Evil Boo


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Gotenks easily. Piccolo wouldn't have wondered if Gotenks had a shot against Super Boo (initial) if he were weaker than Boo's previous form.

Super Boo vs. SSJ3 Galu's Genki Dama

- assume that the Genkidama itself is the same power, except with Galu as a SSJ3 rather than SSJ while pushing it.

- keep in mind that in the Japanese version, Vegeta was stated to not have recovered his ki after being revived, so logically Gohan wouldn't have either.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Kenshi said:
Gotenks easily. Piccolo wouldn't have wondered if Gotenks had a shot against Super Boo (initial) if he were weaker than Boo's previous form.

Super Boo vs. SSJ3 Galu's Genki Dama

- assume that the Genkidama itself is the same power, except with Galu as a SSJ3 rather than SSJ while pushing it.

- keep in mind that in the Japanese version, Vegeta was stated to not have recovered his ki after being revived, so logically Gohan wouldn't have either.
I think Evil Boo would deflect it similiar to how Tullece did to Goku's Genki Dama

Banan and Sui vs Goku and Piccolo (BoZ)

Goku and Piccolo can't amp their blasts


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Banan and Sui got stomped in a few seconds by Gohan and Kuririn when their 1500 power levels only makes them somewhat above Raditz imo. The 23rd finalists duo wins.

MUI Galu (no time limit) vs. SSJB Gogeta (Broly)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Pakl said:
What suggests Kaio is haxed? Because he scared Recoome?
He explicitly tells Reacoom that he'd be unable to land a single hit on him, suggesting him to be on a similar level to Goku's bursts.

Kenshi said:
MUI Galu (no time limit) vs. SSJB Gogeta (Broly)
Gogeta ought to win. Broly was stated to be questionably the strongest opponent yet and, even with the ambiguity that provides, still places him at least close to the Beyond Limits Jiren that wasn't far behind MUI Galu. Meanwhile, Gogeta was able to overpower that same Broly without much trouble, so he should still be decently ahead of Goku if not far enough ahead to stomp, with the reactions of Ultra Instinct seemingly not mattering if an opponent's Ki is on par with it.

Freeza VS Coola
- Equal battle powers with both in their Golden forms.
- Composite skill sets for both (ie. video game-exclusive techniques are included).


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Coola gets stomped since Golden Coola was shown to have shitty stamina in the DBH manga.

SSJBE Gogeta runs the Super gauntlet

How far does he get?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Whether we base the boost on the anime (where it seems to be a 20x boost from SSB) or the manga (where it's probably 2.5-3x that of PSSB), he ought to stomp all the Angels as nothing as of yet contradicts Whis being any more than 1.5x stronger than Beerus. The question then becomes can he take Daishinkan and Zen-Oh, which is far more speculative when we haven't seen their limits. From what we have seen though, Gogeta ought to clear anime-wise as SSBE's boost would have to be pretty linear for him to fight as well against Jiren as KKx20 Blue Galu did and Zen-Oh's best feat of erasing 4 universes at once is far from being 20x more impressive than Infinite Zamasu merging with two timelines. Manga-wise though, there isn't any evidence of the boost to his Ki being linear with his destructive capability or speed due to the lack of Kaioken for a scale, so at best he makes it to Zen-Oh and gets stomped when considering the manga continuity's Hakaishin tiers have presented nothing more impressive than Universe level feats.

Soba (Yardrattian from DBZ Sagas) VS Pre-Rosat Base Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Gohan
- For reference, Soba was stated to have a battle power of 14,000,000.
- The Saiyans are aware of his power and get 5 minutes of prep time.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I don't think any of the Saiyans surpassed 9 million as of the pre-Rosat events so they get stomped unless they can hold Soba in place and have Trunks stab him in a vital area, but even then they might just get killed by him before he dies.

SSJ2 Goku (BoG arc) vs. M12 SSJ Gogeta

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming this is for the anime canon, SS2 Goku should be above Ultimate Gohan, so it boils down to whether or not you view SSJ Gogeta as being above Ultimate Gohan or not. I'd say it could go either way on that. I wouldn't say Gogeta needs to necessarily be that powerful in SSJ, though I would say there are some things to support the rival boost bringing the fusion so high with Elder Kaioshin placing more emphasis on Goku and Vegeta's fusion than the Potara's power or several sources suggesting Gogeta and Vegetto are comparable. If it's manga Galu though, then Gogeta oneshots even if it's SS3 Goku on account of being Galaxy level via scaling from Galu's SS3 power up shaking Other World.

Super Mega Cannon Sigma (minus Nutt) VS Ultimate Gohan


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
though I would say there are some things to support the rival boost bringing the fusion so high with Elder Kaioshin placing more emphasis on Goku and Vegeta's fusion than the Potara's power

His exact wording was that Vegetto's power was due to two of the top 3 masters having fused, which is almost certainly an emphasis on their individual power (seeing as master just gets thrown around as a general term for a strong person), and SSJ3 Goten/Trunks >>>> SSJ Goku/Vegeta.

or several sources suggesting Gogeta and Vegetto are comparable.
Most of those sources are shitty magazines like Weekly Jump or V-Jump, and the latter was published in the Super days at that. More reliable sources such as Toriyama's manga, the anime and the Daizenshuu and SEG all say Potara >>> Dance.

Super Mega Cannon Sigma (minus Nutt) VS Ultimate Gohan

Could go either way, but willing to give it to Ultimate Gohan more times than not because he's badass and the Mega Cannon fags were trash just like the pre-Anilaza fusions. :troll

DBGT Transformation vs. Ultimate Tenkaichi in disappointing sequel/spin off contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Most of those sources are shitty magazines like Weekly Jump or V-Jump, and the latter was published in the Super days at that. More reliable sources such as Toriyama's manga, the anime and the Daizenshuu and SEG all say Potara >>> Dance.
In fairness, the statement of Rou-Dai Kaioshin in the manga/anime of Potara >> Dance is soon followed by him mentioning its permanent nature and noting it as lacking the time limit weakness of the dance, suggesting that this was the main factor in his opinion and Boo's arrogant nature is certainly something to call his stance into question. I'd agree that the DBS Jump tweet isn't that accurate for talking about Z though as Potara's power in general is evidently far less of a boost in Super.

Could go either way, but willing to give it to Ultimate Gohan more times than not because he's badass and the Mega Cannon fags were trash just like the pre-Anilaza fusions. :troll
Missed opportunity to call them "You retards." :manabu

DBGT Transformation vs. Ultimate Tenkaichi in disappointing sequel/spin off contest
Ultimate Tenkaichi as having to make a LoG/Buu's Fury style game for GT was something that would be very difficult to bring to the same level without adding a lot of filler. Ultimate Tenkaichi had far more to work with yet made little effort to do so.

Anime Mr. Satan VS BoDB Kuririn


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
Most of those sources are shitty magazines like Weekly Jump or V-Jump, and the latter was published in the Super days at that. More reliable sources such as Toriyama's manga, the anime and the Daizenshuu and SEG all say Potara >>> Dance.
In fairness, the statement of Rou-Dai Kaioshin in the manga/anime of Potara >> Dance is soon followed by him mentioning its permanent nature and noting it as lacking the time limit weakness of the dance, suggesting that this was the main factor in his opinion and Boo's arrogant nature is certainly something to call his stance into question. I'd agree that the DBS Jump tweet isn't that accurate for talking about Z though as Potara's power in general is evidently far less of a boost in Super.

I think you need to reread that chapter then. He says on two separate occasions that the Potara's power is superior even before he says it has no time limit weakness, including saying that Potara's effect is greater and adding that base Potara fusion should be pleeeeenty even when Galu was unsure if he should turn SSJ even while knowing that the Potara was superior. There's no "it's about the time limit" argument to be had here.

Could go either way, but willing to give it to Ultimate Gohan more times than not because he's badass and the Mega Cannon fags were trash just like the pre-Anilaza fusions. :troll
Missed opportunity to call them "You retards." :manabu


Anime Mr. Satan VS BoDB Kuririn

Anime Satan still loses since pulling buses is still less impressive than one-shotting a sabertooth tiger when there are people who can probably pull buses irl. Not to mention that Toriyama openly said Satan is weaker than Bob Sapp.

Bob Sapp vs. pre-Bukujutsu training Videl :troll2

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
I think you need to reread that chapter then. He says on two separate occasions that the Potara's power is superior even before he says it has no time limit weakness, including saying that Potara's effect is greater and adding that base Potara fusion should be pleeeeenty even when Galu was unsure if he should turn SSJ even while knowing that the Potara was superior. There's no "it's about the time limit" argument to be had here.
It seems the anime must have changed the scene then, considering the wording within it pointed more towards him pointing to the time limit as the deciding factor, so I thought the Potara >> Fusion in general part may have been a Vizism/liberty in Herms' translation. It is worth noting in the "Gokhan" example of being plenty in base isn't really that comparable for Gogeta and Vegetto when Gohan is vastly superior to Vegeta.

Bob Sapp vs. pre-Bukujutsu training Videl :troll2
Videl is already stronger than Mr. Satan (the anime emphasising that she's "far stronger") and her feats of being able to actively assist the police against armed criminals regularly supporting the anime's assessment of her being far more capable. Meanwhile, Toriyama only expressed doubt that Mr. Satan could beat Bob Sapp, so even taking his joke seriously, that'd suggest Sapp isn't too far above Satan in strength and skill. Videl wins.

Anime General Blue VS Hisoka VS Alessi in a :withheld contest.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
I think you need to reread that chapter then. He says on two separate occasions that the Potara's power is superior even before he says it has no time limit weakness, including saying that Potara's effect is greater and adding that base Potara fusion should be pleeeeenty even when Galu was unsure if he should turn SSJ even while knowing that the Potara was superior. There's no "it's about the time limit" argument to be had here.
It seems the anime must have changed the scene then, considering the wording within it pointed more towards him pointing to the time limit as the deciding factor, so I thought the Potara >> Fusion in general part may have been a Vizism/liberty in Herms' translation. It is worth noting in the "Gokhan" example of being plenty in base isn't really that comparable for Gogeta and Vegetto when Gohan is vastly superior to Vegeta.

Maybe the voice acting of the scene just caused you to have that impression. AFAIK the anime retained the same lines, it's just that Galu asked after seeing Kibitoshin how long he can stay fused for. And Rou Dai Kaioshit saying base Potara surpasses Galu's expectations was after the time limit was mentioned, so either way Toriyama put the main focus on the Potara's superiority. I also don't think Toriyama exactly has numbers like "2x Ultimate Gohan should stomp Gotenks-Boo" in mind when he was clearly rolling with SSJ2 being more than a 2x boost when he had Gohan state he lost over half his ki (yet could somewhat hold his own against SPC's blast), yet later decided SSJ2 is just a 2x boost, he originally drew SSJ as a 10x boost etc. - he merely needed Galu to ask if SSJ should be required so he can have Rou Dai Kaioshin reply that base Potara is pleeeenty enough to emphasize how much more powerful it is.

Anime General Blue VS Hisoka VS Alessi in a :withheld contest.

Definitely Hisoka due to his glowing boner meme and his creepy moments in the Greed Island arc. Blue comes second for literally wanting to fuck Obatchaman or whatever. Alessi was a fag, but was moreso focused on murdering Polnareff than raping him.

Z/GT Piccolo vs. Majin Vegeta vs. CG Galu in a dying because of a little boy contest :troll2

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Z Piccolo wins by virtue of it being the pure reason for his death, whereas Galu and Vegeta both had protecting the world and the rest of their families in mind. GT Piccolo ranks at the bottom for his reason mainly being to get rid of the Ultimate DBs.

Namekian Savior (Moro Arc) VS 100% Mecha Freeza


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Probably the Namekian Savior. Moori probably sensed 100% Namek Freeza and SSJ Galu before Namek exploded, and even if he didn't, he's aware of how ridiculously powerful guys like Pure Boo were due to the Genki Dama being formed from billions of people and such, yet thought the Namekian Savior was unstoppable. Even if his assumption was stupid, I think the narrative paints the image that the fusion is at least above Freeza arc top tiers.

base Gotenks (Baby arc) vs. Gohan-Boo and anime base Vegetto

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Logically, Gotenks ought to stomp on account of Goten and Trunks being far above the likes of Pure Boo in base alone via scaling. Even considering how nerfed fusion is in all media after the Boo Arc, SS3 Gotenks can still be anywhere up to just below Initial Super #17's level who ought to still be several times stronger than SSJ Vegetto and considering how low the SSJ multipliers are in GT, I'd say Base Gotenks can still be placed on a level where he can win with ease.

GT Yakon VS SSJ Gotenks (post-Rosat) and SS3 Goku (Boo Arc)


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
He got killed in one shot by base Trunks iirc, so I give it to the team.

Rou Dai Kaioshin vs. Roshi vs. Senbei vs. Oolong in a pervert battle royale

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Rou-Dai Kaioshin wins on account of his attitude being unfitting of his rank and order of being, with Oolong coming second for being an animal-type Earthling attracted to normal humans. Roshi then outranks Senbei since Senbei never asked for sexual favours from someone barely legal by most of Japan's standards.

Saiyan Arc Yajirobe VS Movie 1 Super Garlic Jr.
- Immortality is banned.