Yo so this is indisputable fact


Oct 10, 2015
The Southern Galaxy has fallen under Super Saiyan attack.

Kaio- Then the Southern Galaxy really is being...At this rate, even my Northern Galaxy will be destroyed!

Paragus- He is wreaking havoc all over an area of the Southern Galaxy with his fearsome power. At his pace, even the New Planet Vegeta that we worked hard to establish will fall to the Legendary Super Saiyan.

Goku- The Southern Galaxy attacked by a Super Saiyan?

Kaio- Mm. He's already finished up tearing up the Southern Galaxy and appears to be after my Northern Galaxy next.


Oct 10, 2015
Looks like Broly has been wrecking shit like a boss, he's destroyed most of the Southern Galaxy in apparently one shot.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Are we seriously bringing back this bunk about Broly one-shotting a galaxy? Jesus Christ, guys. It's 2017, nearly a decade after that shit should've been shelved for good.


Colonel Sanders murdered it starting with post #27. Warning, retards in the thread.


Oct 10, 2015
Well it is shown in the movie Pyro. Broly does an attack that seems to eliminate majority of the Southern Galaxy. Kaio says the Southern Galaxy is under attack and later says he is done tearing through the Southern Galaxy and the Northern Galaxy is next. Perhaps you'd had it wrong this entire time?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I was confused with that too, the beginning of the movie pretty much showed the Southern Galaxy being destroyed in 5 seconds.


High Class Warrior
Jun 1, 2015
Mikey™ said:
I don't consider M8 characters to be CG level, but I also don't consider them to be "pre-ROST" or whatever Pakl's theory is. I just think it's a similar case to M3 where the power levels for the characters are (kind of) random.

I need said they are Pre rosat.... Yes movie 8 Goku is like in movie 3... Here is my breakdown



Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
p123 said:
Well it is shown in the movie Pyro. Broly does an attack that seems to eliminate majority of the Southern Galaxy. Kaio says the Southern Galaxy is under attack and later says he is done tearing through the Southern Galaxy and the Northern Galaxy is next. Perhaps you'd had it wrong this entire time?

Not really. Sanders addressed all of this.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Now I know you didn't look at the thread I linked which contained posts completely totaling the one-shot idea.

Unless you want to sit for years at a time watching a galaxy be destroyed.


Oct 10, 2015
Why would I listen to some guy named Sanders when we have me here? I'm the best at this kind of shit, I don't defer to anyone. I see the Southern Galaxy being eradicated and a panicked Kaio worrying about his Northern Galaxy being next. I think people have been shitting on Broly for far too long and have taken it too far, the guy has some serious feats, you just have to leave your echo chamber on Broly being a poop.

Nothing about what Kaio said ever suggested it would take years or a lifetime, Kaio's Northern Galaxy was under immediate threat.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Then you don't deserve to call yourself a debater if you only use yourself as a reference point. You will never learn anything new. Your argument has already been debunked and you don't even know it because you refuse to move your piano fingers and click the mouse.

Since you're either too lazy or too scared, I'll copy-past his shit so you can melt the glue off your eyelids:

kyoji said:
lol it took broly 30 years to ravage the galaxy? Why did King Kai only decide to say something when the Galaxy was almost completely blacked out?
ColonelSanders said:
Kaios are extremely prideful. It wasn't his jurisdiction, and only became an issue when the Northern Galaxy was next up in the queue. Plus, he's not the most observant seeing as he didn't even know Freeza, the supposed tyrant of the universe, was in his backyard until it was discovered on Namek.

If you look at the way the destruction is phrased, the narrator says that the South Galaxy "has fallen" under attack (present tense), Kaio says the South Galaxy "really is being" attacked (present tense), and he says "at this rate" – none of those things make sense if the galaxy had already been one-shotted by Broly. Most of the movie takes place in the South Galaxy, which wouldn't make sense if Broly had decimated it. Goku lands on a busted planet, which wouldn't make sense if everything was gone. Broly destroys the slave planet midway through, which wouldn't make sense if it should've already been destroyed. There are also flashbacks depicting Paragus and Broly having been at this destruction since Broly was at least a teen.

I don't know what the English dub fed you, but absolutely nothing in the original Japanese version supports Broly one-shotting the entire Southern Galaxy.
kyoji said:
"the galaxy has fallen under attack" sounds like something just recently happened. Not over a 30 year span lol and do you know how many planets and stars make up a galaxy? Just because we can still see planets left (That Paragus left on purpose) and the movie takes place there doesn't mean Broly couldn't have destroyed the rest in one shot or in one setting.
ColonelSanders said:
The flashbacks show Broly wreaking havoc as far back as his teens, and he's the same age as Goku, so yes, it would appear he's been at it since at least that far back. It lines up perfectly with everything being present tense rather than past tense as you originally claimed. The galaxy can't be presently under attack if it's already been destroyed. I'm not denying Broly potentially has the power to knock out a galaxy, but he definitely didn't do it all at once like you're suggesting, because the flashbacks contradict this notion. Either he's already destroyed the galaxy or he hasn't, it cannot be both.

However, I am willing to admit that even the movie itself can be somewhat inconsistent with its idea of what exactly is going on/happened, after reading some off-site posts on the matter again. I'll just quote that post since it's better than what I could have said:

from Herms: 'So...it seems a little inconsistent. The narrator at the start just describes the Southern Galaxy as having "fallen under Super Saiyan attack". But later, Goku refers to Broli as having "destroyed" the Southern Galaxy, and Kaio at the start says "at this rate even my Northern Galaxy will be destroyed", implying the Southern Galaxy has been destroyed, or will be destroyed soon. Then when Paragus outlines his plan for universal domination, he says his empire would include the North, East, and West Galaxies...but conspicuously fails to mention the South Galaxy, implying it's not there to be ruled any more.

On the other hand, Paragus describes the Legendary Super Saiyan as "wreaking havoc all over an area of the Southern Galaxy", while Kaio tells Goku that the Legendary Super Saiyan has "already finished tearing up the Southern Galaxy". Most importantly, after telling Goku this, Kaio then instructs him to "go check the Southern Galaxy". At which point Goku teleports to a planet filled with ruins. So even if the Southern Galaxy has been "destroyed" in some sense, at least part of it is still there.

On that note, after Goku thinks to himself that Broli is the one who "destroyed" the Southern Galaxy, he shortly thereafter semi-repeats himself, saying that Broli is the Super Saiyan who "ran riot through" the Southern Galaxy. So it seems like all this makes the most sense if we treat "destroy" in this context as meaning that Broli attacked/laid waste/etc the Southern Galaxy. That is, he just went from planet to planet destroying the civilizations there, leaving ruined planets like the one Goku visits for a bit. The only thing that seems to indicate that he literally wiped it out completely is the opening shot of the spiral galaxy thingy dissolving into blackness, but this doesn't jibe too well with what we see/are told throughout the rest of the movie.

There's no line flat-out saying that New Planet Vegeta is in the Southern Galaxy. But Paragus at one point says that his true plan is to set up his base on "Earth, in the Northern Galaxy", implying that New Planet Vegeta is somewhere outside the Nouthern Galaxy. And after Paragus tells Vegeta that the Legendary Super Saiyan is "wrecking havoc" through that portion of the Southern Galaxy, he adds that "at his pace, even the New Planet Vegeta that we worked to establish will fall to the Legendary Super Saiyan…" Which could be taken to mean that New Planet Vegeta is also in the Southern Galaxy. Or it could just mean that Paragus is (pretending to be) concerned that once the Legendary Super Saiyan is finished with the Southern Galaxy, he'll move on to wherever New Planet Vegeta is, just as Kaio is concerned that his own Northern Galaxy is going to come under attack next. Anyway, I guess it ultimately doesn't matter too much one way or the other in regards to the big question at hand, since there's still that one ruined planet Goku visits which is definitely supposed to be in the Southern Galaxy. So we know there's actually at least a planet or two left there, whether or not New Planet Vegeta is one of them.

Also, a bit more on what the movie means by "destroy": it's said that Broli "attacked" Planet Shamo, after which its inhabitants were moved to New Planet Vegeta. But Planet Shamo is clearly still physically there, since we see Broli actually blow it up midway through the movie. This seems consistent with the idea that Broli went around attacking planets by destroying the cities/civilizations on them, rather than blowing them up Freeza-style. This is still consistent with Paragus omitting the Southern Galaxy from his list of stuff his big fancy empire will include; even if the Southern Galaxy is still around, it's now basically uninhabited (a ghost galaxy!), so there's not really anything to "rule".'
kyoji said:
Yeah no, the flashback show broly destroying some random planets which can be anywhere and they have to actually go to south galaxy.

Its hilarious how people come up with all these retarded theories to downplay when what happened is right on the screen


he destroyed it in one shot, thats what happened, facts

No Caption Provided
also according to your theory broly has to be MFTL to destroy all those planets otherwise he would die of old age lol. Do you people actually think before coming up with these crackpot theories. So, here are you choice broly is MFTL or broly is a galaxy buster.
ColonelSanders said:
A classic case of "didn't read the post." Well, if that's your take on it, feel free. I'll consider having intelligent conversation with well-mannered posters that can actually articulate between sentences and questions, and provide concise points in an argument rather than trying to back someone against a wall with illogical choices that both completely miss the point and blatantly omit evidence from the movie. Enjoy your alphabet soup, brother.


Oct 10, 2015
It hasn't been debunked at all. There are people out here with massive agendas to make Broly look weak as possible. You have been disillusioned. If his points were so great, you'd have had already showcased them, instead you point to this guy as your savior like some meek bitch. Do you want him to fuck your girl next? Be your own man, tell me why, forget about quoting this guy or that guy, who are you ahill?


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
p123 said:
It hasn't been debunked at all. There are people out here with massive agendas to make Broly look weak as possible. You have been disillusioned. If his points were so great, you'd have had already showcased them, instead you point to this guy as your savior like some meek bitch. Do you want him to fuck your girl next? Be your own man, tell me why, forget about quoting this guy or that guy, who are you ahill?
I just posted all of those quotes above. You'd be wise to take the time to read them instead of throwing insults without proper face.


Oct 10, 2015
If you can't explain it in a couple of sentences, it's pure hamstering.

We are shown the Southern Galaxy exploding, we see Kaio fearful for his own galaxy. It's not really debatable at this point. Did he destroy every single thing in the Galaxy? Of course not. But he's wreaking absolute havoc all over the place. Maybe he can't one shot a Galaxy but he can tear through it at a ridiculous pace. It's flat out stated in the movie. There's no way around that.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
It's stated in the movie he's run amok through the galaxy, and it's shown he's been doing so since he was very young. The flashbacks, the statements (all in present tense aside from one of Goku's), and the fact that there are still beings and objects floating around in the Southern Galaxy all look to support that he did not one-shot the galaxy as you claimed. The beginning scene is either a fast-forward of events in order to save time, or it's completely mismatched with the entire rest of the movie.

Like mentioned by Herms, the movie isn't 100% consistent with how it depicts Broly's carnage, but it's far more sensible and logical that it wasn't something that happened all at once – it took time. This idea that he did it in one big hoorah is only supported by inserting personal preference into one scene and ignoring the rest of the movie's say on the matter.


Oct 10, 2015
This is where you went wrong, and Mrs. Sanders via cuckhold.

It's not one shot or bust. Broly is wreaking havoc over the Southern Galaxy. He's wrecking shit. He is on pace to go after the Northen Galaxy soon. The Southern Galaxy is basically wrecked. Are there planets left over? Sure. It's not 100% done. But it's majorly done. Here's the part your missing. The Southern Galaxy can be wrecked and still have quite a few planets left over. Shocking, I know right? Who could have ever thought those two concepts could go together?

All in all, Broly is wrecking shit like a boss, the way it's depicted how he exploded those couple planets and probably similar to Beerus and Champa just going through planets like nothing is probably what's happening with some solar system level blasts being chucked out at will. A galaxy is huge and it's clearly stated in the movie, this isn't over the course of a decade, this shit just happened and it's a major problem, NOW.

This is the problem when you think someone else has the topic locked down, there is always more to explore padwan.

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