Yeah, sell it and get Elden Ring.Any tips for Sekiro? Haven't started yet.
Based and Elden Peak pjlledYeah, sell it and get Elden Ring.
Having one of the most elite levels of healthcare + a lot of drugs.How do you think Tiger Woods overcame such a debilitating injury? Many professional sportsmen have given up their careers over less.
Still trying to get a handle on it. I'm already losing weight from the amount of calories I'm burning every day and the inability to eat enough to make up for it. Extremely hard to find a balance between work and other priorities.How is your job situation going so far?
What controller are you using? On PS4 the left bumper was the block button, I suggest making use of that a lot at first. Always make sure you lock onto whichever enemy you are facing as well (R3 on PS4). Until you learn their moveset you can block any attack unless you see the red killing signal appear above the enemy, which signifies that you can't block their attack. In that case your best bet is to run away from them/dodge. Try to learn the timing for parrying attacks as this will be the difference maker in boss fights. The goal of the fight isn't even to take the health away from the enemy as much as it is to reduce their posture. You can do so by forcing them to block your attacks or by parrying their attacks. If you reduce their posture enough you can strike them with a killing blow and completely destroy one of their health bars.Any tips for Sekiro? Haven't started yet.
Are you ready for me to surpass your post count?![]()
No, I've actually never been west of Ontario, at least in Canada.Have you ever been to vancouver?
@Super Saiyan I'm picking up your ps5 in 1 day. Prepare yourself![]()
This is my first proper off day in ages. I usually finish work late and then get home and have to eat 2-3 full sized meals to try to make up the calories that I burned, then I have to sleep asap and get ready for work the next day. If I work in the morning I'm basically a vegetable by the time I get home. I'd say 90% of my waking time has been split between work, working out, golfing, and eating. I've fully neglected school for a good month now which also can't continue. It's just a struggle to find time or energy for anything.Why aren't you answering the thread
I imagine the job market is still crappy in your area? Sounds like they're taking advantage of you.I can't until July. The monthly schedule is made almost a month in advance. Will just have to work harder.