Chapter is already far better than the anime's Zen Exhibition match. We actually get to see a decent enough performance of the abilities of most of the Hakaishin, as well as

putting in work. Looks like the hierarchy of the Hakaishin is likely Belmod > Beerus ~ Quitela > Everyone else. It's not as though taking out Boo or Gohan's involvement would change anything, since Gohan's developments had just as much right to be caused by his performance in the FnF Arc (which if the catalyst to him training again, will make much more sense than him getting to SSB tier in a couple of hours).
The battle of Goku VS Toppo also makes far more sense than the anime. Toppo hadn't seen Galu fighting in SSB, so Goku only testing him in SSJ at the start made far more sense. Overall, just a stronger cup of Super than the anime's attempt at the same things.