Pakl said:
Tosh said:
That statement is a reference to their potential. It has nothing to do with how they presently compare to Piccolo. As Krillen already ascertained that Piccolo was the strongest among himself, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo. This occurred after witnessing their battle power as Super Saiyans at the world martial arts tournament, and disregarding himself as a threat to the boys individually -conclusively, this implies that his Chi sensing abilities are at least reliable for the early portion of the Boo Saga.
When did Krillin say Piccolo is stronger? The kids are stronger based on Piccolo say and his face when he saw their power
I dont see Piccolo fighting SSjin Gohan and not getting one shotted?
Kuririn: Frankly, even you're no match for him.
Krillen states this as Piccolo was about to attack Majin Boo when Kaioshin was getting curb-stomped. Remember, Goten and Trunks became Super Saiyans twice during the world martial arts tournament, so he has a pretty good idea on how they stack in comparison to Piccolo.